Chanterelle Mushroom Dry Mycelium Plus Micelial Activator.

1. Chanterelle Dry Mycelium Organic Made in Ukraine.


Chanterelle yellow (Cantharellus cibarius). Edible mushroom from the genus Cantharellus of the wood family. The cap is concave, painted in yellow-brown tones. The brim of the hat hangs down. The folds on the lower surface are orange or white. The leg is yellowish, tapering to the base. The pulp is dense, light yellow, with a fruity smell.

Our mycelium is intended for planting under garden trees in the yard and indoors on soil fertilized with leaf humus and manure humus. In the production of dry grain mycelium, oats, wheat, rye and other cereals are used. First, the mycelium germinates on the grain, then it is crushed and dried using a special technology at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C. The mycelium goes into a dormant state, preserving its properties. At the same time, the storage period increases to 5-7 years. It should be taken into account that mycelium loses 5-6 times its weight during drying, therefore 10 g of dry mycelium is equivalent to 50-60 g of ordinary grain mycelium.

When exposed to favorable conditions (temperature, humidity, soil acidity), the mycelium wakes up and begins to germinate actively. There is no growing season for mycelium, that is, mushrooms can be grown indoors at any time of the year.

10 g of mycelium is enough to prepare a bed with an area of ​​2-3 square meters. m.

WARNING! A very important factor for the successful cultivation of mushrooms is the acidity of the soil. For chanterelles, the optimal value of acidity is Ph = 6.5 - 7.

Instructions for planting:

Under the mushrooms, you need to take a darkened area of ​​2-2.5 m2, on which to make a pit 20 cm deep and fill it in layers:

1st layer - fallen leaves, grass, wood bark with added humus and earth taken under a tree (10 cm); 

2nd layer - mycelium, evenly scattered over the entire area;

3rd layer - again plant residues, as in the 1st layer, and garden soil.  After sowing, moisten with a drip method.

The first mushrooms will appear in 2 months to 1 year.  On the open ground grow from May to late autumn.  The mycelium lives up to 5 years. The optimum temperature for the growth of mushrooms is from 12 to 25 degrees Celsium.

Amateur cultivation of mushrooms does not give a guaranteed result, since the growth of mushrooms is highly dependent on many factors.  Soil acidity is very important.  The optimal acidity value is PH = 6.5 - 7.

More acidic soil must be deacidified by watering with a solution of quicklime (100 g of lime per 5 l of water per 1 sq. m).

Important! The date of the package is date of productions,   mycelium shelf life is 5 years from date of productions.

We recommend to use the Mycelium Activator during planting, which contains the necessary set of macronutrients, a hydrogel to retain moisture, a soil deoxidizer, as well as indicators to control the soil Ph level.

The Instruction are in Description, here!!!

2. Mycelial growth activator - 40 g. Made in Ukraine.

Mycelial growth activator is a complex fertilizer.  It is used to normalize the pH of the soil, improve the structure of the substrate and saturate the substrate with the necessary nutrients, for the normal development of mycelium and increase the yield of mushrooms.  Regulates the growth and development of mushrooms, stimulates their immune system to protect against various diseases and temperature stresses, increases yield and significantly shortens the growing cycle.

The package also contains indicator strips for determining the acidity of the soil.

The activator includes:

Calcium hydroxide - works as a deoxidizer and calcium fertilizer - 34%

Superphosphate (fine granule or powder) - 20%

Potassium fertilizers (potassium chloride or potassium humate) - 20%

Ammonium nitrate - 20%

Ammonium sulfate - 1%

Hydrogel for retaining moisture in the soil - 5%

The activator is used when planting mycelium, as well as later for watering.

When planting, mix the contents of the package and scatter evenly on the prepared substrate.  The consumption rate is 1 bag / 1 sq.m. for planting 10 g of dry grain mycelium.

When watering, pour the contents of the bag into 20 liters of water.  Allow to stand for several hours until dissolved.

Fertilizers are not used at the time of fruiting or at the time of formation of mushroom primordia (embryos).

A very important factor for the successful cultivation of mushrooms is the acidity of the soil.  The optimal value of acidity for growing mushrooms is Ph = 6.5 -7.5.  Mushrooms do not grow in acidic soil!

To determine the acidity of the soil, use the test indicator strips from the package:

Place 15-20 g of soil in a container and add 50 ml of clean (preferably distilled) cold water.

Mix the contents of the container and wait until the soil particles settle to the bottom (3-5 minutes).

Immerse the indicator strip in the resulting solution for 1-2 seconds.

After slightly drying (after 30 seconds), compare the color of the painted indicator strip with the values ​​of the color scale on the package.

Important! The date on the package is date of productions.

Store in a dry place.  Shelf-life Unlimited.  Weight 40 g.

The Instruction are in description, here!!!

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