Minimum System Requirements

Windows@ XP, Windows@ 2000 with Service Pack 4

Non-English Windows@ 2000 systems require the Professional edition

Pentium@ Il processor 400+ MHZ


128+ MB RAM (256 MB recommended)

1 6-bit graphics card

Monitor resolution of 800 x 600 or higher

Sound card, microphone, and speakers

10X CD-ROM drive

• Internet Explorer@ 6.0 (Netscape@ and AOLO browser software are not


Macromedia's Flash ' 8 plug-in (lf your computer does

have this


plug-in, an Internet connection is required for installation.)

Sun's Java'₩ 1.5.0 _06 plug-in (lf your computer does not have this

plug-in, it will be installed automatically when you install the course.)