The works of Gilou Brillant have received worldwide acclaim as she has traveled extensively to exhibit them in France, the United States, Italy, Curacao, Japan, Argentina, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Germany, and Poland.  Her one man shows include those at Galerie Ariane - Sweden, 1970; la Nouvelle Gravure - Paris, 1970; Galerie Paul Brock - Luxembourg, 1971; Galerie 32 - Lyon, 1971; Houtot - Paris, 1971; Galerie Flat 5 - Bruges, 1971; and Galerie Regence - Brussels, 1972.

Brillant has been honored by many awards including the Gauguin (Paris), 2nd prize at the Biennale of Gravures in Pescia, Italy, 1968; 1st prize at the Biennale International of Montecatini, Italy, 1989; and 1st prize at the Biennale International at Catania , Sicily, 1969. 

Born in the springtime of 1935 at Essentines, France, Gillberte Brillant's works reflect the feeling of freshness and rebirth. She has studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Atelier Julien, and Atelier Friedlaender.