Chakra Singing Bowls with Wooden Striker & Cushion Gift Box Set | Lift Vibration & Frequency; Sound Therapy; Holistic Healing, Meditation & Relaxation Mindfulness Mantra (Heart)


Chakra Singing Bowl Gift Set

The heart Chakra located in the centre of the chest.

Its function is love, its colour is green and its planet is Venus.

Its stones are green/pink Stone-Peridot, Rose Quartz, and Malachite.

Meditation I love.

Balancing this chakra is important for the circulatory system, heart, and thymus.

It also affects spiritual love, compassion, and universal oneness.

Energies: Water, Calming, Soothes, Relaxes.

About Singing Bowls

Ring up some enchanting frequencies with this beautiful set.

Singing bowls have been used in religious and shamanic practices for well over 1500 years and have been associated with Buddhism since the 8th centrury A.D. Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke deep state of relaxation naturally, assisting one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal of enlightenment. In recent years singing bowls have been used in holistic healing, chakra healing, sound therapy, reiki and fengshui.

A singing bowl is played by resting the bowl on the flat of the hand and rotating the stick around the outside rim of the bowl.

The perfect Chakra gift, use the wood end of the stick to make the bowl sing. A gift that will make someone more than happy - bringing a little extra inner calm.

Frequencies of the sound are different between our Chakra singing bowls. The base tone is unchanged, but the wave sound differs.

Singing bowls are really a type of bell, the sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound. Slightly tricky to master, but train yourself and you will be enchanted.


About this item

  • Singing bowls have been used in religious and shamanic practices for well over 1500 years and have been associated with Buddhism since the 8th centrury A.D. Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke deep state of relaxation naturally, assisting one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal of enlightenment. In recent years singing bowls have been used in holistic healing, chakra healing, sound therapy, reiki and fengshui.
  • A singing bowl is played by resting the bowl on the flat of the hand and rotating the stick around the outside rim of the bowl.
  • The perfect Chakra gift, use the wood end of the stick to make the bowl sing. A gift that will make someone more than happy - bringing a little extra inner calm.
  • Frequencies of the sound are different between our Chakra singing bowls. The base tone is unchanged, but the wave sound differs.
  • Singing bowls are really a type of bell, the sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound. Slightly tricky to master, but train yourself and you will be enchanted.

Lovely Singing Bowls each with Mallet, Cushion, Info & Presented in a Gift Box

root chakra singing bowl

Root Singing Bowl

Red - Root \ Muladhara

sacral chakra singing bowl

Sacral Singing Bowl

Orange - Sacral \ Swadisthana Chakra

throat chakra singing bowl

Throat Singing Bowl

Sky blue - Throat \ Ajna Chakra

heart chakra singing bowl

Heart Singing Bowl

Green - Heart \ Anahata Chakra

The base tone is unchanged, but the wave sound differs

Singing bowls are really a type of bell, the sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound. Slightly tricky to master, but train yourself and you will be enchanted.

A singing bowl is played by resting the bowl on the flat of the hand and rotating the stick around the outside rim of the bowl.

The perfect Chakra gift, use the wood end of the stick to make the bowl sing. A gift that will make someone more than happy - bringing a little extra inner calm.

Singing bowls have been used in religious and shamanic practices for well over 1500 years and have been associated with Buddhism since the 8th centrury A.D. Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke deep state of relaxation naturally, assisting one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal of enlightenment. In recent years singing bowls have been used in holistic healing, chakra healing, sound therapy, reiki and fengshui.

Ring up some enchanting frequencies with this beautiful set. 7 chakra color with the Lotus petal representing the frequency of energy that the chakra is attuned to.

Hand Crafted in Nepal with Devotion to help in Chakra balancing & energy healing

crown chakra

Crown Singing Bowl

copper singing bowl

Plain Singing Bowl

third eye chakra singing bowl

Third Eye Singing Bowl

Great Sound and Plays easily

Singing bowl measures approximately 3.15" in Diameter X 2" in Depth

Great Sound and Plays easily

Singing bowl measures approximately 3.15" in Diameter X 2" in Depth

Great Sound and Plays easily

Singing bowl measures approximately 3.15" in Diameter X 2" in Depth

Ideal for chakra meditations

Weighs 220 gm - Purple - Crown / Sahasrāra Chakra

Ideal for chakra healing

Weighs 220 gm

Ideal for chakra work or gift

Weighs 220 gm - Blue - Third Eye / Ajna Chakra. The 6th chakra.

What Types of Singing Bowls Correspond to the Different Kinds of Chakras?

If you know which chakra needs balancing, you can select a bowl that corresponds with this chakra. It is generally believed that lower tones work for lower chakras and higher tones work for higher chakras. For example, if your crown chakra is blocked (the highest chakra), the note B (the highest pitch on the C major scale) should be played. There are many singing bowls available that are tuned to specific notes on the C major scale, making it possible to purchase a singing bowl for each chakra individually or in a set.

It is also possible to heal chakras without the use of specifically toned singing bowls or a chakra set. While corresponding tunings may target specific chakras more effortlessly, any singing bowl can be used with chakras as long as you are intentional with your playing and meditation. As long as you believe that there is a relationship between singing bowls and chakras, this creates an environment that allows healing to occur.

Begin playing your singing bowl by either striking it with a mallet three times or rubbing the mallet around the rim to create resonance. Then, similar to the Chakra Awareness Meditation, focus on the specific chakra that needs healing. Visualize the way this chakra will heal: fill it with light or love. Imagine that the energy center is warming up in the light. Envision the energy or the vibrations aligning along your spinal column. Take as much time as you need. Once you are satisfied with your visualization, move on to the next chakra that needs your attention or end the meditation. If you wish to heal or realign each primary chakra, repeat this process with each chakra starting with your lowest chakra, the root chakra, and making your way up to the highest chakra, the crown chakra. Once reaching the crown chakra, you can then work your way back down and end on the root chakra.

This is just one way of meditating and healing chakras with your singing bowl. There are other methods of playing your singing bowl or meditating that might work better for you. There are also meditation practises that recommend placing your singing bowl on your body near the location of the chakra and playing it there. The vibrations shared between the skin and the bowl can be quite healing! Regular chakra cleansing sessions with your singing bowl can be done daily if you wish.

Remember that there is no wrong way to do this type of healing—as long as you are intentional and open to healing, you are doing it right.

Frequencies of the sound are different between our Chakra singing bowls.


Chakra Singing Bowl Gift Set: Navel / Sacral Chakra located in the lower abdomen, genital womb. This chakra’s location can be best described as being situated in the lower abdomen, four fingerbreadths below the navel.

Its function is desire, sexuality, pleasure, procreation.

Jupiter is the planet associated with the sacral charka, and corresponding to that are the signs Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is the planet of spirituality, of philosophy, of expansion, faith, & optimism. The openness of Jupiter goes together with the open creativity of the sacral chakra.

Its stones are Carnelian, Snowflake Obsidian, Orange Calcite, Citrine, Sunstone, Tigers Eye, Amber, Moonstone & Aragonite.

Svadhishthana means “dwelling place of the Self”, supporting personal expansion and exploration of sexuality, desires, and creativity. When the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced, it can make you feel emotionally and physically weak.

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs. The element of water represents flow and flexibility. This energy assists in letting go, accepting change, and transformation in life. The color orange is considered to induce creativity and stimulate pleasure. The seed mantra (beej mantra) of Svadhishthana Chakra is Vam.

About Singing Bowls

Ring up some enchanting frequencies with this beautiful set.

Singing bowls have been used in religious and shamanic practices for well over 1500 years and have been associated with Buddhism since the 8th centrury A.D. Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke deep state of relaxation naturally, assisting one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal of enlightenment. In recent years singing bowls have been used in holistic healing, chakra healing, sound therapy, reiki and fengshui.

A singing bowl is played by resting the bowl on the flat of the hand and rotating the stick around the outside rim of the bowl.

The perfect Chakra gift, use the wood end of the stick to make the bowl sing. A gift that will make someone more than happy - bringing a little extra inner calm.

Frequencies of the sound are different between our Chakra singing bowls. The base tone is unchanged, but the wave sound differs.

Singing bowls are really a type of bell, the sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound. Slightly tricky to master, but train yourself and you will be enchanted.


Are There Health Benefits to Tibetan Singing Bowls?

In 2020 four studies showed that singing bowl therapy resulted in improved mental and emotional health. These improvements echoed the findings of an earlier one in 2016. The study also reported improvements in physical health. Singing bowls can help induce a deep state of relaxation in a short period of time, often under 20 minutes. This level of relaxation was greater in both depth and consistency than relaxation from just lying down in silence. In 2022, Germany found that singing bowl massage led to a decrease of overall EEG power, or certain brain signals, which might help create a sense of well-being.

Beginners: Start out with slow 5-minute sessions until you see how the singing bowls affect you. During singing bowl therapy, you’ll be lying down on the floor, with the bowls in one of several configurations. They may be placed

  • on different points on your body.
  • around your body.
  • around the room (if there are multiple people in the therapy), with at least one bowl near your head

Either you or a practitioner will tap the bowl with a mallet and then use the mallet to circle the bowl using varying pressure and speed. This will make varying sounds, often prolonged to emit different vibrational frequencies.

Singing bowls may be used with or without guided meditation. Like any musical instrument, Tibetan singing bowls rely on friction and vibration, like striking or rimming the bowl with a mallet, to create sound. According to Jevon Dängeli, an Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE) Facilitator and Trainer, the sound waves created when one plays a singing bowl interact with the unbalanced chakras causing them to self-correct. Chakra balancing with singing bowls restores a “harmonious flow of energy” to the chakra system in a natural and calming way.

Finally, it is possible to balance your chakras with a chakra singing bowl set, also known as chakra bowls. In this case you will need seven singing bowls, each of which are tuned to one of the seven notes on the C major scale. Before meditating and visualizing, play the specific bowl that corresponds to the chakra you are cleansing. Between each chakra, allow the sound of the previous singing bowl to fade away or gently place your hand on the side of the bowl to stop the resonance before playing the next bowl. Some people find that singing bowl sets work great when wanting to make body contact with the bowl. The seven different chakra singing bowls can be placed on or around your body and played by someone assisting you.