Chitlin' Circuit Race Films ---  Long overdue, this series is shinning light on a very special group of actors, writers, and producers. They were struggling Independents and more affluent Hollywood producers working against the odds to produce a body of work, unique, historically and sociall significant, and wildly entertaining! During a time of intense racism, only a relatively small number of ghetto dwellers viewed these films, sometimes depicting a more accurate picture of black life with fewer stereotypes. An American phenomenon, Race Films existed in a parallel universe, disconnected from the mainstream. Race films existed for approximately 40 years from around 1910 to 1950 with my favorite years from the late 20s thru the early 40s. I hope you will be as amazed and overwhelmed by these rare films as I was and will share with your friends so these legends will live on for future generations to enjoy. 

          1929 thru 1940
 ** Digitally Re-Master Transfers
** 15 Archive Quality DVDs
**  Run Time 2,591 min
**  55 Titles

Show Line-Up and 3rd party Quality Ratings:

Ebony Showcase "Chitlin Circuit Race Film Series"   ----1929 thru 1940 (years of research and restoration) (Independent quality ratings) 27 years in the making and constantly researching to perfect. 15 archive quality DVD's.
Disc 1      (176 min)
1929          21 min       The Melancholy Dame  quality rating     9             Spencer Williams (Andy) Evelyn Peer, Edward Thompson, Roberta Hyson
1929          21 min       Music Hath harms                                    9       Spencer Williams, Roberta Hyson
1929         16 min        Oft in the Silly Night                                9       Evelyn Peer, Edward Thompson, Roberta Hyson, Spencewr Williams
1929         100 min      Hallelujai                                                 10    
  Nina Mae McKinney, Daniel Haynes
1929         18 min        Black and Tan                                         7.6      Duke Ellington, Fredi Washington, Alex Lovejoy

Disc 2     
(175 min)
1931         78 min       Exile                                   9  (Micheaux) Micheaux 1st  talkie
1931         10 min       Hot Biskits                        10   (Dixie Comedies),  Spencer Williasms
1931         18 min       Dark Town Review           9    (Micheaux) Tim Moore  Micheaux 1sst talkie
1932         69 min       The Black King                 9   
 A.B. DeComathiere

Disc 3       
(170 min)
1932         11 min       Pie Pie Blackbird                         8  (Vitaphone)   Nina Mae McKinney,
 Nicholas Brothers
1932         58 min       Ten Minuits to Live                     10  (Micheaux)  A.B. DeComathiere, Laura Bowman, Lawrence Chenault                
1932         44 min       Veiled Aristocrates                     9  (Micheaux)  Laura Bowman, A.B. DeComathiere, Lorenzo Tucker
1932         57 min       Harlem Is Heaven                      7.8 (Lincoln)    Bill Robinson, Eubie Blake

Disc 4     
(178 min)
1932         71 mi          Girl From Chicago                         8  (Micheeaux) Early talkie, some sub titles  Carl Mahon, Starr Calloway
1933         21 min       Rufus Jones For President            8.5  (Young Sammy Davis Jr.) Ethel Waters
1933         11 min       That's the Spirit                             8    (Vitaphone)  Noble Sissel, Mantan Moreland           
1933         75 min       Emperor Jones                               9  UK   Paul Robeson, Fredi washington

Disc 5     
(170 min)
1934         19 min       Bubbling Over                     9    Ethel Waters
1934         11 min       Hi-De-Ho                             9    Cab Calloway
1934         21 min       King for a Day                     8+  Bill Robinson, Dusty Fletcher
1934         48 min       Louisiana                             8     Laura Bowman
1935         11 min       All Colored Vauderville      8    Nicholas brothers
1935         60 min       Broken Strings                    8     Clarence Muse, Edward Thompson, Mathew (Stymie) Beard, Clarence Brooks

Disc 6     
(188 min)
                                  Tyler TX, Intro
1935         96 min       Murder in Harlem                   8.5   Clarence brooks, Laura Bowman
1935         88 Min       Sanders of the River               8  (bare Brest dsncers)  Paul Robeson

Disc 7     
(178 min)
1935         10 min       Symphony in Black       9    Duke Ellington
1936         93 min       Green Pastures          10   Rex Ingram, Eddie (Rodchester) Anderson
1936         75 min       Song of Freedom          9    Paul Robeson

Disc 8     
1936         21 min       The Black Network       9     Nina Mae McKinney, Nicholas Brothers, Amanda Randolph (Mama on Amos n Andy)
1937         10 min       Barber Shop Blues       8.5  Claud Hopkins
1937         70 min       God's Stepchildren        8    (Micheaux) show was Picketed  Laura Bowman, Alex Lovejoy
1937         69 min       Dark Manhattan           8   Ralph Cooper, Clarence brooks, Nick Stewart (from Amos n Andy)
Disc 9     
(156 min)
1937         71 min       Big Fella                             9    Paul Robeson
1937         75 min       Jerico                                 8+  Paul Robeson
1937         10 min       Murder in Swingtime         8    Les Hite, June Richmond

Disc 10   
(176 min)
1937         24 min       The Negro Farmer     8.5    Great Depression 
1937         11 min       We Work Again           8.5   Great Depression of the 1930s
1938         75 min       The Duke is Tops        8.5   Ralph Cooper, Lena Horne, laurence Criner, Monty Hawley
1938         66 min       Spirit of Youth           
   Joe Louis, Nina Mae McKinney, mantan Morland, Clarence Muse, Clarence Brooks

Disc 11    (178 min)
1938         69min        Swing                                     9  (Micheaux)   Amanda Randolph (from Amos n Andy), Cora Green, Trixie Smith, Alex Lovejoy
1939         58 min       Bronze Buckaroo                  10   Herb Jeffries, Spencer Williams, Clarence brooks
1939         51 min       The Devil's Daughter            9  ( 1st in Jamaica )   Nina Mae McKinney, Ida Jamea
1939         11 min       Broken Earth                        9  (Clarence Muse) "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen'

Disc 12    (171 min)
1939         56 min       Harlem Rides the Range        8  Herb Jeffries, Spencer Williams, Clarence Brooks
1939         69 min       Moon Over Harlem                8   Buddy Harris, Cora Green
1939         72 min       Lying Lips                               8  (Micheau)   Edna Mae Harris, Amanda Randolph (Amos n Andy)

Disc 13    (146 min)
1939         61 min       Way Down South                    10   Clarence Muse (wrote original story and screenplay)
1939         85 min       Paradise in Harlem                 9   (blackface)  Edna Mae Harris, Francine Everett, Mamie Smith, Alex Lovejoy
1929         21 min       Framing of the Shrew            8.5  Spencer Williams, Roberta Hanson, Evelyn Peer, Edward Thompson

Disc 14    (180 min)
1939         11 min       The Negro in Entertainment        8
1939         52 min       Straight to Heaven                       8   Nina Mae McKinney, Lorenzo Tucker (the black Valentino)
1939         52 min       Midnight Shadow                          9   Francis Redd, Larence Criner, Ruby Dandridge
1940         65 min       Mystery in Swing                          8   Money Hawley

Disc 15    (127 min)
1940         77min        Proud Valley               8.5     Paul Robeson
1940         50 min       Gang War                    8       Ralph Cooper, Larence Criner, Monty Hawley
Book coming !  (free to early customers.)