Sweet rectangular compartment pendant with sterling silver setting, quality feel to this sweet, handmade jewelry.

Compartment pendant contents:

Dried pod/flower, weathered shell fragment, silver balls, resin, pigment, sterling silver (100% recycled content)

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From the artist Andrea Haffner:

My work is inspired by the myriad of natural forms that exist all around us. I have been a collector of small things all my life, from my early years in New Mexico to the urban landscape of Washington, D.C., to Ojai, California where I currently live. From calla lilies to yucca capsules to Japanese maple samaras, I am always examining the diverse natural worlds around me and enjoy dissecting and reassembling these forms within small sterling silver or larger steel frames. With a background in both photography and glass, light has always been a primary consideration in my work. The medium of resin allows me to work with transparent dyes for the color element in my pieces, creating a glow from within. I have an abiding interest in small containers and the ways they can serve as both holders of precious things and deliberate points of focus. The containers I create, whether in photographic, sculptural, or jewelry form, can be their own small worlds, holding a caught moment, a meditation, or a subtle gesture.

My work is exhibited in galleries and fine craft shows across the country. In recent years I have completed numerous large-scale commissions for hospitals, upscale hotels, and private residences. In addition to my long-time artistic career, I also provide psychotherapy as a licensed marriage and family therapist. I find immense mutual value in both my therapeutic and artistic exploratory work.