Clearing out daughter's old old stuff.

Lovely looking coat.  HOWEVER, it has been languishing for a long time.
PRO's gorgeeous striking colours and pattern.  Nice black shiny patent trim. Good size front pockets. 
When you look at it, it is very striking and very lovely but close up you will note that
1) It desparately needs cleaning
2) Very very minor - no one would notice it if the wearer was walking down the street - however there are a few minor bobbles.  Bobbles of the very titchy variety.  Miniscule - but if bobbles bother you - it has some (not many but it has some!)
3) I have noticed three clicks to the fabric.
4) Inner rider button is loose.

Photos above :  1 -6 general photos of the coat, the labels and a close up of the fabric.
Photos 7, 8 and 9 the three clicks I have seen are shown on these photos.
Photos 10 and 11 more general photos of the coat
Last photo shows that the inner rider button is hanging loosely. 

Lovely looking coat but potential buyer needs to take note of the fact that it needs cleaning, has a few clicks, some barely visible (but they are there) titchy bobbles and inner button thread is hanging loosely.   The overall coat itself is striking and in good condition.