Complete Poems by Emily Dickinson Paperback

Complete Poems by Emily Dickinson Paperback

by Emily Dickinson

ISBN: 9780571336173


Format: Paperback
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Product Description

The startling originality of Emily Dickinson's style condemned her poetry to obscurity during her lifetime, but her bold experiments in prosody, her tragic vision, and the range of her intellectual and emotional explorations have since won her international recognition as a poet of the highest order.

The Complete Poems
is the only one-volume edition containing all of Emily Dickinson's verse. In this landmark edition, the editor, Thomas H. Johnson, has presented the poems in their original contexts; and where alternate readings were suggested, he has chosen only those which the poet evidently preferred. His introduction includes a brief explanation of his selection of texts as well as an outline of Emily Dickinson's career.

About the Author

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, where she lived most of her life as a recluse, seldom leaving the house or receiving visitors. She published just a handful of poems in her lifetime, her first collection appearing posthumously in 1890.

Product Details
  • ISBN: 9780571336173
  • Format: Paperback
  • Title: Complete Poems by Emily Dickinson Paperback

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