Life Magazine Lot of 4 Full Month of December 1965 3, 10, 17, 24

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Life Magazine December 3, 1965 President Johnson and Princess Margaret

Pg… 4 Editorial: The "War on Poverty" Needs a Battle Plan
Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Archibald MacLeish: The Eleanor Roosevelt Story and Herakles, Reviewed by Tom Prideaux
Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Book: Harry Golden's A Little Girl Is Dead, Reviewed by William M. Kunstler
Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Movies: The Nanny and Bunny Lake Is Missing, Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 29 Letters to the Editors
Pg… 30 The View from Here: A Legal Miscarriage of Justice. By Loudon Wainwright
Pg… 32 Princess at the White House: The President's State Dinner for Margaret and Lord Snowdon is a Radiant Interlude in History. Photographed by Mark Kauffman
Pg… 42 Cassius Clay's Inglorious Victory
Pg… 42B Vietnam: Biggest U.S. Battle
Pg… 47 Events of the Week: Amish Children Flee from a Truant Officer "Cactus Jack" Garner at 97
Pg… 48 Countdown for Astronaut?and Baby: James Lovell's Upcoming Gemini Flight May Coincide with One by the Stork. His Wife Writes About the Countdown
Pg… 50 Items in the News
Pg… 53 Measure of L.B.J.: A Special Report on President Johnson After Two Years in Office. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 63 Bill Gargan's Greatest Role: The Voiceless Actor Speaks Out Against Cancer
Pg… 69 Boom With a Bounce: The U.S. is having a Ball with the Super Ball
Pg… 76 Stewardesses for the Jet Age: Pucci Styles Provide a Wild Hue Yonder
Pg… 79 A Priest with a Breezy Way: Father Capon Writes About Wine, Food and Marriage
Pg… 83 Let's Be Little Ladies: A Washington School of Graces for Moppets
Pg… 90D The Detective: A Good Cop Fights for Law but the Deck is Stacked Against Him as He Walks a Beat Peopled by Badgers, Muggers and Con Men. By James Mills. Photographed by I. C. Rapoport
Pg… 124 Great Houses: A Sculpture for Living: A Concrete Home is Built Without Rooms or Doors
Pg… 132 Miscellany: Little Bundle of Brays

Life Magazine December 10, 1965 Texas Football Linebacker Tommy Nobis

Pg… 4 Editorials: Bah and Humbug to Dr. Spock
Pg… 4 Editorials: A Tourist Trap, Soviet Style
Pg… 4 Editorials: Be Unbuggable, Harold Wilson
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews: Book: Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano, Reviewed by John Davenport
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews: Movie: The Leather Boys, Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews: Music: The Bittersweet Voice of Petula Clark, by Carter Harman
Pg… 31 Letters to the Editors
Pg… 35 The Feminine Eye: Evolution of a Peace Creep. By Shana Alexander
Pg… 36 1–A in the Big Football Draft: With Hard Sell and Hard Cash, the Pro Leagues Go After the College Stars. Inside the N.F.L.'s Draft Command Center. By John R. McDermott
Pg… 46 Floodtide of Trouble Over Rhodesia
Pg… 49 Items in the News: Belgium's Dowager Queen Elisabeth is Mourned by Her Regal Heirs. R.F.K. Drops in on Some Amazon Indians. Cary Grant Turns Traffic Cop. Britain's Prince Charles Plays Macbeth
Pg… 53 The Voices of Buffy Sainte–Marie: A Versatile Cree Indian Singer is a $100,000–a–Year Pinchpenny
Pg… 59 The Madcap Art of Saul Steinberg: In a New Book He has a Go at Explaining It
Pg… 74 A U.S. Family Faces Vietnam: Simultaneous Picture Coverage: Army Captain Ed Boyt Fights the Vietcong While Back Home His Wife and Children Struggle Against Loneliness and Anxiety for His Safety. Photographed by Enrico Sarsini and John Loengard
Pg… 95 Fashion: Furs To Wear Indoors
Pg… 98A Sudden Pro–U.S. Shift in Afghanistan: Special Report from a Country that is No Longer So Neutral. By Roy Rowan
Pg… 103 Science: An Odor–Sniffing Machine: It Tells People Apart by the Scents They Give Off?and May Prove Helpful to Detective
Pg… 108 How the Antiwar Marches Happen: An "Insider's" Report on the Protest Movement on the Berkeley Campus. By Sam Angeloff
Pg… 127 Nero Wolfe vs. the F.B.I.: Why Author Rex Stout Pitted His Fat Detective Against the G–Men
Pg… 134 Conquistador on Broadway: The Royal Hunt of the Sun, Based on Pizarro's Conquest of the Incas, is the Season's Most Venturesome Theatrical Gamble
Pg… 140 Miscellany: Please Don't Pick the Trees

Life Magazine December 17, 1965 St. Peter’s Dome in Vatican

Pg… 4 Editorials: Gifts of Comfort and Compassion
Pg… 4 Editorials: De Gaulle has an Oppostition
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews: Books: The Great Comic Book Heroes by Jules Feiffer, Reviewed by Richard Schickel. The Little Saint by Georges Simenon, Reviewed by Brian O'Doherty
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews:Theater: You Can't Take It with You by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman, Reviewed by Tom Prideaux
Pg… 18 The View from Here: The Annual Crisis of Love. By Loudon Wainwright
Pg… 21 Letters to the Editors
Pg… 22 Ecumenical Council Ends Its Task: Four Momentous Years Come to Fruition at Vatican II. By John K. Jessup
Pg… 30 The French Election: President de Gaulle Fails to Get a Majority in His Bid for Re–Election and Must Face a Runoff
Pg… 30B Most Ambitious Space Voyage: The World?and an Astronaut's Family?Thrill to Gemini 7
Pg… 33 Mid–Air Collision
Pg… 34 Alabama Juries Vote Guilty
Pg… 38 Dante: His Epic of Human Destiny, from the Demonic to the Divine, Illumines Man's Predicament Today. The Divine Poet's Totality. By Frank Kappler
Pg… 66A How College Girls Really Are: A Princeton Guidebook Flunks the Big Campus Test
Pg… 79 Barbara Harris' Balloon Goes Up: A Shy Star's Slow Take–Off to "Instant Success"
Pg… 82 Guy Lombardo: The Bandleader is the Ghost of New Year's Past, Present and Yet to Come. By William K. Zinsser
Pg… 90 Great Dinners: Goose: A Fabled Fowl is Back in Grace for the Christmas Season. Photographed by Mark Kauffman. Battle Plan for the Feast. By Eleanor Graves
Pg… 96 Miscellany: I'll See You Again

Life Magazine December 24, 1965 The U.S. City Special Double Issue

Pg… 6 Editorial: From Any Mayor’s Window Pg… 24 Zoom In On the City: Its Zip and Zest, Quirks and Rhythms, Luxuries and Loneliness. Photographed by Art Kane Pg… 37 No One’s in Charge: Everything Grows Every Which Way?and No Wonder. By Conrad Knickerbocker Pg… 49 Astride the Open Road: Guest Column by Peter Blake Pg… 50 Great Days of Build and Rebuild: Decade by Decade the Nation’s Forces Converged on the City Pg… 70 Sweep of Creative Power: New Photo Methods Dramatize the City Today. Photographed by Howard Sockurek Pg… 92 Villains: Greed, Indifference, You: Amid Slurbs and Junks, We Must Find Ways to Save Beauty. By Paul Ylvisaker Pg… 106 Bitter Plague of Slums: Misery Lives Behind a Cleveland Fa?ade. Photographed by Burk Uzzle. Grim Conclusions, By Paul Welch Pg… 126 Boston Gladiator?Ed Logue: A Planner Stirs a Ruckus to Rebuild a City. Photographed by Henry Grossman and Ted Polumbaum Pg… 137 Nine Pros Sound Off: They have Feet On the Ground, Eyes On the Future. Photographed by John Loengard Pg… 143 What’s To Come: Satellites, Megastructures, Platforms?Marvels to Choose from. By Warren R. Young Pg… 158 Future Choices Begin To Form Up: Some Good Bets On How We’ll Move Around and Live Pg… 168 A City’s Future Takes Shape: Planners and Businessmen Join Forces to Bring New Vitality to Philadelphia. Photographed by Arnold Newman