Life Magazine Lot of 6 Full Month of August 1969 1, 8, 10, 15, 22, 29

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Life Magazine August 1, 1969 Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick

Pg… 2 The Presidency: The Magic Carpet of Presidents. By Hugh Sidey Pg… 4 Gallery: The Poetic Imagery of Photographer T. Tanuma Pg… 8–12 Reviews: Book: “H. G. Wells,” by Lovat Dickson, Reviewed by C. P. Snow Pg… 8–12 Reviews: Theater: Al Carmines and “Promenade,” Reviewed by Stefan Kanfer Pg… 8–12 Reviews: Movie: “Castle Keep,” with Burt Lancaster, Reviewed by Richard Schickel Pg… 16A Letters to the Editors Pg… 16B Incident at Dyke Bridge: The Pressures of Ted Kennedy’s Career and Character Come to a Crossroad. By Brock Brower. Photographed by John Loengard and Ted Polumbaum Pg… 28 The Moonshoot: Watching it All at Home, the Astronauts’ Families Coaxed Them On Pg… 32 Threatened America: In a World of Pollution, Trash, Smog, Sprawl, Noise and Ugliness, the Wild Lands Struggle to Survive. Text by Donald Jackson. Photographed by Grey Villet Pg… 44 Movies: A Star is Born?at Last. Sophia Loren’s New Baby Gets a Part in His Parents’ Latest Film Pg… 46 A Lovely War for Profiteers: In a Black Market, Vietnamese and Americans Do a Flourishing Business in Corruption. By Frank McCulloch Pg… 51 Special Report: The Panic in TV Censorship. As Congress Questions Its Morality, the Industry Chokes Up. By Joan Barthel Pg… 56 Ideas in Houses: No. 40: Revival of a Southern Showpiece. New Heights and Depths Behind a Gingerbread Fa?ade in New Orleans Pg… 62 Miscellany

Life Magazine August 8, 1969 Apollo 11 Footprints on the Moon

Pg… 4 The Presidency: A Half–Farewell to Asia. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 6 Gallery: Niklas Deak's Apocalypse
Pg… 8–12 Reviews: Museum of Primitive Art Collection at the Metropolitan, Reviewed by Robert Phelps
Pg… 8–12 Reviews: Music: Newport Jazz Festival, Reviewed by Teddy Wainwright
Pg… 16A Letters to the Editors
Pg… 16B The Nude Scene: [BLIP] is Beautiful. By William Zinsser
Pg… 16F Column: In Dread of Knowing More. By Barry Farrell
Pg… 18 Men on the Moon: Color Pictures of the Triumphant Apollo II Mission, Shot by the Astronauts on the Lunar Surface
Pg… 30 Editorials: Journey Round a New Landscape
Pg… 30 Editorials: Kennedy: the Unanswered Questions
Pg… 33 Newsfronts: In Spain, a Royal Restoration. Generalissimo Franco Appoints 31–Year–Old Prince Juan Carlos as His Successor
Pg… 40 Everybody Lives at Watergate: In John Kennedy's Time Georgetown was the Right Address in Washington. For Nixonians, the Place is a Fancy Apartment Building the Size of a Whole Neighborhood. Photographed by Michael Rougier
Pg… 48 Medicine: Psychiatry Gets Off the Couch and Hits the Streets
Pg… 48E Occult: Rosemary Brown Hears Music?and Beethoven (or Liszt or Schubert or?) is There. By Dorothy Bacon
Pg… 51 Vietnam: The Long Last Month Before a GI Goes Home. By John Star
Pg… 56 Great Dinners: Part 64: A Dandy Chicken in Aspic. Photographed by Henry Groskinsky
Pg… 58B Birds Fit for a Future King: A Classy Selection of Possible Mates for the Prince of Wales

Life Magazine August 10, 1969 To the Moon and Back Special Issue

Pg… 1961 Vostok 1 April 12, Pg… 1961 Mercury 3 May 5, Pg… 1961 Mercury 4 July 21, Pg… 1961 Vostok 2 August 6, Pg… 1961 Mercury 6 February 20, Pg… 1962 Mercury 7 May 24, Pg… 1962 Vostok 3 & 4 August 11 & 12, Pg… 1962 Mercury 8 October 3, Pg… 1962 Mercury 9 May 15, Pg… 1963 Vostok 5 June 14, Pg… 1963 Vostok 6 June 16, Pg… 1963 Voskhod 1 October 12, Pg… 1964 Voskhod 2 March 18, Pg… 1965 Gemini 3 March 23, Pg… 1965 Gemini 4 June 3, Pg… 1965 Gemini 5 August 21, Pg… 1965 Gemiini 6 & 7 December 4 & 15, Pg… 1965 Gemini 9 June 3, Pg… 1966 Gemini 10 July 18, Pg… 1966 Gemini 11 September 12, Pg… 1966 Gemini 12 November 11, Pg… 1966 Apollo Fire January 27, Pg… 1967 Soyuz 1 April 23, Pg… 1967 Apollo 7 October 11, Pg… 1968 Soyuz 3 October 26, Pg… 1968 Apollo 8 December 21, Pg… 1968 Soyuz 4 & 5 January 14 & 15, Pg… 1969 Apollo 9 March 3, Pg… 1969 Apollo 10 May 18, Pg… 1969 Apollo 11 July 16, 1969

Life Magazine August 15, 1969 Inflation Economy Dollar Squeeze

Pg… 4 Gallery: Photographer Bruce Davidson in Spanish Harlem
Pg… 12–14 Reviews: Opera: "The Devils of Loudon," by Krzysztof Penderecki, Reviewed by Paul Moor
Pg… 12–14 Reviews: Book: "Yellow Back Radio Broke–Down," by Ishmael Reed, Reviewed by Webster Schott
Pg… 12–14 Reviews: Movie: "Medium Cool," Directed by Haskell Wexler, Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 16A Letters to the Editors
Pg… 16B Column: The Good Things that Undone Poor Gum. By Russell Baker
Pg… 18 The Dollar Squeeze: The LIFE Poll by Louis Harris Reveals that a Broad Public Revolt Over Taxes and Inflation is in the Making. One Family Struggles Just to Stay Even. By Joe McGinniss
Pg… 30 Editorials: The Taxpayer and His Money: it Could be Better Spent and it Could be Better Collected
Pg… 32 Newsfronts: They Loved Nixon in Bucharest. The Stormy Wreck of the Paper Ship "Ra"
Pg… 38 Experiments in Marriage: Swedes and Danes Try Out Some Free–Wheeling Ideas About Group Families, Unwed Motherhood and "House–Husbands." Respectable Revolutionaries of Sex. By Michael Durham. Photographed by Enrico Sarsini
Pg… 48B Close–Up: It's Ecologist Ian McHarg vs. Us Anthropocentric Clods Who are Ruining the Land and Dooming Ourselves
Pg… 51 Nightmare in a California Jail: How a Law–Abiding Citizen, Who Wandered Into a Mass Arrest, was Threatened, Humiliated and Blackjacked. By Jesse P. Ritter Jr.
Pg… 56 Old Rome Alla Fellini: With His New Film "Satyricon," the Master Fantasist Makes "La Dolce Vita" Look Like Child's Play. A Life–Size Whale in Three Days?"It's Enough to Make You Cry." By Eileen Hughes
Pg… 62 Miscellany

Life Magazine August 22, 1969 New York Look Fashion

Pg… 4 The Presidency: The Volcano in the Cornfield. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 8 Gallery: John Dominis Photographs "this Furious Assemblage" of Horses
Pg… 10–16 Reviews: The Mowing Ethic, by William Zinsser
Pg… 10–16 Reviews: Book: "Pairing Off," by Julian Moynahan, Reviewed by Richard Freedman
Pg… 10–16 Reviews: Movie: "Putney Swope," Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 20A Letters to the Editors
Pg… 20B Column: The Marijuana Famine. By Barry Farrell
Pg… 22 Their Own Great Stories: For the First Time the Apollo 11 Astronauts Write About Their Epic Journey. "The Moon had Been Awaiting Us a Long Time." By Neil Armstrong. "Lunar Dust Smelled Just Like Gunpowder." By Buzz Aldrin. "I Rattled Around in My Mini–Cathedral." By Mike Collins
Pg… 30 Editorials: The New Priorities in Exploring Space
Pg… 30 Editorials: The Rocky Road to Reforming Welfare
Pg… 32 That New York Look: Bright, Bold, Unpredictable?and Above All Young?the Style of a City. Photographed by Vernon Merritt III
Pg… 42 Special Report: Nobody Here But Us Dead Sheep. By William Zinsser
Pg… 44 Travel: Sardinia?the Aga Khan's Emerald Hideaway. Photographed by Enrico Sarsini
Pg… 50 Let's Everybody Boo Rich Allen: The Inside Story of Baseball's Bad Boy. By David Wolf
Pg… 55 Close–Up: Ex–Model Caroline Coon Runs an Underground with Office Hours. By Horace Johnson
Pg… 62 Disposable Art: "Plastic Man" Les Levine Makes Things and Pieces to Throw Away. He Bursts with Elusive Ideas?and Ego. By David Bourdon
Pg… 69 Books: The Naked Truth Abouth the Great American Novel Hoax. "You Feel Bad Writing Dirt So You Make it Funny." By Bill Bruns
Pg… 72 Miscellany

Life Magazine August 29, 1969 Norman Mailer Moon Venture / Woodstock

Pg… 2 Special Report: Is that an O.K. Word, Usewise? By William Zinsser
Pg… 4 Gallery: An Eastern Approach
Pg… 8–10 Reviews: Movie: "Alice's Restaurant," Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 8–10 Reviews: Book: "Fat City," by Leonard Gardner, Reviewed by Frank Conroy
Pg… 14A Letters to the Editors
Pg… 14B The Woodstock Rock Trip: Hundreds of Thousands of Kids Descend on a Catskill Farm for a Musical Festival, and the Result is the Third Biggest City in New York. Photographed by John Dominis and Bill Eppridge
Pg… 24 Norman Mailer: A Fire on the Moon: A Remarkable Personal Study of the U.S. Moon Program Undertaken for LIFE by the Pulitzer Prize Winner
Pg… 42 Tragic House on the Hill: Husband Roman Polanski Comes Home to the Scene of the Sharon Tate Murders. By Thomas Thompson
Pg… 49 Close–Up: Old Smut Peddler Barney Rosset of Grove Press: His New Four–Letter Work is "Film." By Albert Goldman
Pg… 54 Books: In "Stevie," 18–Year–Old John Steptoe Writes and Illustrates a New Kind of Book About Black Children
Pg… 60 Miscellany