Life Magazine Lot of 5 Full Month of June 1972 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

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Life Magazine June 2, 1972 Raquel Welch

Pg… 4 The Beat of Life: Nixon in Moscow. Attack on the “Piet?.” Children and Soldiers in Belfast Pg… 38 Inside the Winning Team: George McGovern’s Organization is Loose, Effective and Rolling Toward California. By William A. McWhirter. Photographed by Bill Eppridge Pg… 48 Hottest Thing on Wheels: Raquel Welch has a Rough Time Playing a Roller Derby Demon Pg… 55 ‘Conrack, You’re Crazy’: A Spirited Teacher Finds Himself in a U.S. School Where Even His Eighth–Graders had Never Learned the Name of Their Country, Never Been to a Movie, Never Heard of George Washington. By Pat Conroy Pg… 74 Death–Flow from a Pipe: Mercury Pollution Ravages a Japanese Village. Text and Pictures by W. Eugene and Aileen Smith Pg… 85 Parting Shots: Amazing Wilhelm, 20 Years of Nothing But Knuckleballs. Pg… 85 Parting Shots: Eartha Kitt as an ‘Honorary White.’ Muggers Beware: this Baby Bites Pg… 12 Departments: The Presidency: Seizing the Hour in Moscow. By Hugh Sidey Pg… 24–28 Departments: Reviews: Cyclops Eyes the Justice Department’s Antitrust Suit Against the Networks Pg… 24–28 Departments: Reviews: “Frenzy,” Alfred Hitchcock’s New Chiller, is Warmly Applauded by Film Critic Richard Schickel Pg… 24–28 Departments: Reviews: Donald Jackson Writes About Wimbledon Pg… 32 Departments: 31 Years Ago In ‘Life’: Nelson Rockefeller Fights Nazi Influence in South America Pg… 37 Departments: Letters to the Editors Pg… 83 Departments: Consumer Watch: Help–Yourself Gas Stations and Garages

Life Magazine June 9, 1972 Bella Abzug Women in Politics

Pg… 6 A Week of New History: Success at the Moscow Summit. Photographed by Harry Benson and Steve Northup
Pg… 46 Women Talk Back: The Women's Movement has Organization, Issues and Candidates, but Bella Abzug is in Trouble. Photographed by Leonard McCombe
Pg… 55 Face to Face on the Issues: With Richard Kleindienst Speaking for the Republicans and Presidential Candidate George McGovern for the Democrats, LIFE Begins a Series of Confrontations for 1972 with a Debate on Law and Justice
Pg… 61 A Cop Cools a Troubled School: In Coral Gables, Fla., Glenn Falk has Cut Crime and Violence by being a Confidant and Counselor to Students
Pg… 69 The Czar's Shutterbug: An Old Scrapbook Yields Some Fascinating Pictures of Czar Nicholas, Anastasia and the Rest of the Family
Pg… 74 A Season in Hell: A Personal Account of a 12–Month Bout with Severe Mental Depression, an Insidious, Increasingly Common Illness. By Percy Knauth. Illustrations by Fred Otnes
Pg… 86 Giant Ship for a Lone Sailor: Built for a Transatlantic Race, the World's Biggest One–Man Vessel is 128 Feet Long. Photographed by George Silk
Pg… 95 New Style Graduation: Kirkland College Graduates Its First Class with a Wildly Innovative Commencement 'Ceremony'
Pg… 101 End of a Love Story: End of a Love Story: The Duke of Windsor, Who Gave Up His Throne for Wallis Simpson, Dies at 77
Pg… 12 Departments: The Presidency: Peaceful Victory in the Kremlin. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 20–24 Departments: Reviews: Richard Schickel on Films Aimed at a Black Audience
Pg… 20–24 Departments: Reviews: Cyclops on Crusading TV Reporter Geraldo Rivera
Pg… 20–24 Departments: Reviews: Hugh Trevor–Roper Reviews "The Service," the Memoirs of Two–Generation Spymaster Reinhard Gehlen
Pg… 36 Departments: 25 Years Ago In 'Life': A Starling at the Indy
Pg… 41 Departments: Letters to the Editors

Life Magazine June 16, 1972 1950’s Nostalgia

Pg… 6 Beat of Life: Castro on a Camel. Tragedy at Transpo 72. Biggest Painting in the World
Pg… 38 The Nifty Fifties: A Dozen Years After the Decade Ended, Everything's Back: the Music, the Stars, White Bucks, Hula–Hoops and Greasy Hair. Photographed by Bill Ray
Pg… 51 Face to Face on the Issues: Part II: Hubert Humphrey for the Democrats and George Shultz for the Republicans Debate Another Major 1972 Campaign Issue, Taxes and Government Services
Pg… 57 Fighter for Forgotten Men: An Earthy Preacher Named Will D. Campbell Moves Among the Ku Klux Klan and the Blacks, Building Bridges. By Marshall Frady
Pg… 69 Passionate Pasha of Food: James Beard, a Huge Gourmet and Cook, Produces a Huge New Cookbook. By Jane Howard
Pg… 72 The Big Year Off: More and More Students are Taking a Break Between High School and College to Learn About Themselves
Pg… 81 Comic with a Golden Glove: With Doug Rader, an Authentic Eccentric, at Third, Houston is Thinking Pennant. By Bill Bruns. Photographed by Arthur Rickerby
Pg… 85 Parting Shots: "You have to be a Maniac," Says Elia Kazan. By Brad Darrach. The Skyjacker Who Vanished Into Thin Air. By Richard Woodbury
Pg… 12 Departments: Editorials
Pg… 24–28 Departments: Reviews: Cyclops on the Emmy Awards
Pg… 24–28 Departments: Reviews: Richard Schickel on a Mixed Bag of Films: "The Great Northfield," "Minnesota Raid," and "The Trial of the Catonsville Nine"
Pg… 24–28 Departments: Reviews: Thomas Thompson on Singer Sarah Vaughan
Pg… 24–28 Departments: Reviews: Richard Freedman Reviews "The Late John Marquand," an Unauthorized Biography by Stephen Birmingham
Pg… 30 Departments: 34 Years Ago In 'Life': The Smallest Human
Pg… 34A Departments: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 54B Departments: Consumer Watch: Reports on a Groovy New Way to Cut Highway Accidents

Life Magazine June 23, 1972 Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Pg… 4 The Beat of Life: The Cost of a Bombing Error in Vietnam. A Sea Giant. Forty Horses and a Circus Train. Flood in Rapid City, S. Dak.
Pg… 24B Night of Terror on Dunbarton: The 2000 Block on a Quiet Street in Rapid City Pays Its Price in the Deadly Floods. By Dale Wittner. Photographed by Heinz Kluetmeier
Pg… 2 Editorials: Apology Accepted. Looking for Heroes. They Know Your Mind
Pg… 31 Hotline for Help: A Denver Project Offers Troubled Young People the Chance to Call Up and Talk About Their Problems
Pg… 40 The World's Pollution: The Nations Get Together to Talk in Stockholm, but the Havoc is Already Global
Pg… 42 A LIFE Special: 'The Artillery Barrage' by Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Section from the Russian Nobel Prize Winner's New Novel, "August 1914." "No Regime Loves Great Writers"; Translator Michael Glenny Writes on Solzhenitsyn and His New Book
Pg… 62 Fillies of the Field: All–Girl Teams Tackle Pro Ball
Pg… 66 Little Monster Who Loves Leaves: The Gypsy Moth Chews His Way South
Pg… 69 Parting Shots: Warren Beatty Stars in the Great McGovern Money Hunt, by Chris Chase. Amy Vanderbilt on Ms., Morals and Marriage, by Elsie Washington. A Brave Girl Makes a Home in a World of Touch and Sound, by Betty Dunn
Pg… 12 Departments: The Presidency: Blossom Time in the White House. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 16–18 Departments: Reviews: Cyclops Watches the "Today" Show
Pg… 16–18 Departments: Reviews: Richard Schickel Reviews "Skyjacked," "Prime Cut" and "A Day in the Death of Joe Egg"
Pg… 16–18 Departments: Reviews: Melvin Maddocks Enjoys Eric Ambler's Latest Thriller, "The Levanter"
Pg… 20 Departments: 31 Years Ago In 'Life': On the High Seas the Germans Won One, Lost One
Pg… 24A Departments: Letters to the Editors

Life Magazine June 30, 1972 The Great Jesus Rally in Dallas

Pg… 4 The Beat of Life: The Connollys Get Ready for Their Fifth Olympics. A Stravinksy Ballet Festival in New York. Anloc Revisited
Pg… 33 Face to Face on the Issues: Part III: How Goes the Economy??a Major Issue in the Campaign?is Debated by Edward Kennedy for the Democrats and John Connally for the Republicans
Pg… 40 Rallying for Jesus: Explo '72, a Week–Long Evangelistic Gathering, Brings 80,000 Young People to Dallas
Pg… 46A The Democrats Tussle with Reform: Party Chairman Larry O'Brien Tries to Make It Go
Pg… 51 A LIFE Dialogue: A Plan to Cut Crime: The Experts Respond to 45,000 Readers Who Answered LIFE's Questionnaire and Expressed Their Personal Fear of Crime and Violence
Pg… 60 The Living Roots of Country Music: Fiddles, Guitars and Country Songs have Become Big Business, and the Origins are still to be Found in Rural America. Photographed by Michael Mauney. Battle of the Hootenannies, by Joan Downs
Pg… 73 Parting Shots: The Rockefeller Foundation Gets a Medical Renegade, by John Kronenberger. The Many Faces of the No. 1 Model in the World. A Strange Night when Things Went Wrong All Over
Pg… 12 Departments: The Presidency: The Question of when not to Obey. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 16–24 Departments: Reviews: Have a Swell July?a Letter to an Incoming Summer House Tenant by William Zinsser
Pg… 16–24 Departments: Reviews: Cyclops Looks at TV's New–Style News Anchor Men
Pg… 16–24 Departments: Reviews: Tom Prideaux Reviews Howard Teichmann's Biography of George S. Kaufman
Pg… 26 Departments: 19 Years Ago In 'Life': Historic Photographs of Man's First Conquest of Mt. Everest
Pg… 48 Departments: Consumer Watch: The All–American Hot Dog on the Fire
Pg… 29 Departments: Letters to the Editors