Life Magazine Lot of 4 Full Month of September 1970 4, 11, 18, 25

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Life Magazine September 4, 1970 Women Arise Revolution

Pg… 16B Women Arise: Across the Land They March to Protest Their Unequal Existence in a Man's World. Angry Author Kate Millett, by Marie–Claude Wrenn
Pg… 24 Guest Privilege: It's Really the Men Who Need Liberating. By Mary Calderone, M.D.
Pg… 26 America's Cup Trials: The U.S. Faces the Toughest Challenge Yet as Yachts from Australia and France Vie for a Place in the Finals. Photographed by George Silk
Pg… 34 'The Me Nobody Knows': A Clamorous Cry from the Ghetto Becomes an Off–Broadway Hit. Photographed by Gjon Mili. Rats, Heroin and Loneliness, by Betty Dunn
Pg… 44 A Race Against Smog: College Students Drive Their Clean–Air Cars Across the U.S. Electricity, Turbine, Steam or What? By Rick Gore
Pg… 48 Northern Ireland's Violent Summer
Pg… 51 Paul Mazursky in Wonderland: The Maker of "Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice" Looks Into His Own Head. By Josh Greenfeld
Pg… 58 Bleak Fate of the Yankee Mills: Many of the Handsome Red–Brick Buildings have Fallen Before the Wrecker's Ball, and Others Wait Their Turn
Pg… 2B Departments: The Presidency: In Search of a Missing Past. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 4 Departments: Gallery: W. Eugene Smith's Suspenseful Pictures
Pg… 8–10 Departments: Reviews: John Fowles Reviews Angus Wilson's "The World of Charles Dickens"
Pg… 8–10 Departments: Reviews: "A Day in the Life of the United States of America," a TV Review by John Leonard
Pg… 16A Departments: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 62A Departments: Parting Shots: Apocalyptic Visions for Our Fragile Planet

Life Magazine September 11, 1970 Angela Davis The Making of a Fugitive

Pg… 20D The Path of Angela Davis: A Radical's Journey from a Promising Childhood to a Place on the FBI's Most–Wanted List
Pg… 28 The Legion Goes to Portland: A Protest Fizzles but the Vets Show Their Age
Pg… 32 The Ignoble End of 'Elizabeth': A Great Passenger Liner Becomes the Focal Point of a Series of Financial Shenanigans. By Greg Walter
Pg… 40 The Sculpture of Matisse: A Master Painter Gains a New Dimension of Fame. Photographed by Henry Groskinsky
Pg… 53 We Played for Vince Lombardi: Players Remember the Famous Coach. By Jerry Kramer
Pg… 56B The Violent Way: In His New Book, the Author of "The Territorial Imperative" Maintains that Overcrowding will Drive Us to Chaos or Dictatorship. By Robert Ardrey
Pg… 70 Down to the Sea in Cement: An Unlikely New Sort of Yacht has a Very Solid Hull. By Robert Brigham
Pg… 2 Departments: Editorial: TV Politics: Too High a Price
Pg… 6 Departments: Gallery: Abstracts by Aaron Siskind
Pg… 10–14 Departments: Reviews: Richard Schickel Comments on G–Rated Movies Webster Schott Reviews "One on One," a First Novel by Laurence Shainberg
Pg… 20A Departments: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 75 Departments: Parting Shots: The SST and the Birdmen

Life Magazine September 18, 1970 Englebert Humperdinck and Tom Jones

Pg… 30 Chaos in the Sky: Palestinian Guerrillas Hijack the Big Jet Airlines and Authorities are Powerless to Interfere. A Young Lady Guerrilla Tells How She Took Over a TWA Flight. By Leila Khaled
Pg… 38 Aftermath in Madison: A Physicist Picks Through the Bombed–Out Ruins of His Lifework. By Colin Leinster. Photographed by Grey Villet
Pg… 46 The Ladies' Men of Music: Tom Jones and Engelbert Humperdinck are Great Successes?and So is Their Manager Gordon Mills. By Jordan Bonfante. Photographed by Mark Kauffman
Pg… 58 Neck Deep in Collars: New Fad for Chokers
Pg… 60 Dilemma of the Black Cop: A Young Chicago Policeman Named Renault Robinson Feels Trapped Between the Department and His Community. By Richard Hall
Pg… 73 Checkup for the Unborn
Pg… 78 Legacy of Camille: A Visit to the Hurricane–Haunted Coast One Year After. Photographed by John Loengard
Pg… 4 Departments: The Presidency: A Change in Atmosphere. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 8 Departments: Gallery: Nudes Abstracted by Eric Meola
Pg… 12–20 Departments: Reviews: Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Reviews James MacGregor Burns's Biography of F.D.R.
Pg… 12–20 Departments: Reviews: S.J. Perelman's Latest, "Baby, It's Cold Inside," Reviewed by Wilfrid Sheed
Pg… 12–20 Departments: Reviews: Richard Schickel on Jack Nicholson's New Film "Five Easy Pieces"
Pg… 12–20 Departments: Reviews: Yale Overcomes "Dracula," a Review by Tom Prideaux
Pg… 28A Departments: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 85 Departments: Parting Shots

Life Magazine September 25, 1970 Male Plumage Fashion

Pg… 28 Phantom Shadow Over Suez: If a Showdown Comes in the Mideast, the Israelis' Best Hope Against New Arab Missiles is a U.S. Jet. What Pilots Think of "the Bludgeon," by Peter Young
Pg… 36 Win the Pennant, Somebody: Neither the Mets, Nor the Cubs, Nor the Pirates Seem to Want to Win in the National League East
Pg… 42 Male Plumage: Bright Finery Arrives for ordinary Men?Clothes, Hats, Purses and Other Accessories. Cosmetic Treatments are Available Too. Photographed by Enrico Sarsini
Pg… 50 Happy Sound in Mill Valley: A Teacher and Her Third–Grade Chorus Create a Catchy Hit Song
Pg… 54 Case Study of an Army Star: Pentagon Insiders Say Sid Berry Looks Like a Future Chief of Staff. By Lewis H. Lapham
Pg… 70 Daring Death: Movie Stunt Lady Mari–Lou MacDonald Accomplishes the Impossible
Pg… 4 Departments: The Presidency: Nixon's Vision of Peace. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 8 Departments: Gallery: A Study of Hands by Roger Minick
Pg… 12–18 Departments: Reviews: "The Honours Board," Pamela Hansford Johnson's New Novel. Reviewed by Anthony Burgess
Pg… 12–18 Departments: Reviews: William Zinsser Takes a Look at "Noah Webster's Dictionary"
Pg… 12–18 Departments: Reviews: "Carry It On," a Gentle Plea for Pacifism, is Reviewed by Movie Critic Richard Schickel
Pg… 25 Departments: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 75 Departments: Parting Shots