~~~All models sold by Don’s Models Hobbies and Books are listed with a 4 Business day handling after payment. Often we are able to mail within a day or two but sometimes life gets in the way so the 4 business day handling ensures that all packages are mailed out and meet eBay guidelines. If you have not received your package or are wondering if it has shipped, please check to make sure the four business day handling has passed before sending an inquiry as to the shipping status.~~~

~~~How is shipping calculated? For each item we measure and weigh the item and enter that into the eBay system. We ship through the eBay system so the numbers we enter are used to calculate shipping. We DO NOT pad our numbers in order to make a profit on shipping and sometimes even take a loss on shipping costs. Feel free to contact us if you ever have concerns about shipping or anything else with the items or process. ~~~

This Fujimi Ju87G-1 Stuka Tankbuster is an unassembled kit of a military aircraft scale model in 1:72 scale. Made of plastic, this kit is perfect for model enthusiasts and collectors aged 17 years and up. The kit features all the necessary parts to assemble the aircraft model and does not come customized. Its theme is militaria and it belongs to the Toys & Hobbies and Models & Kits categories under the Aircraft subcategory. The brand is Fujimi and the franchise is none.