From the manufacturer

About Us

Marine Metal Products has been a family-owned business for nearly 50 years. Originally started in 1959 by engineer Alexander and his friend and investor John Fry, Marine Metal's first product was a stick-type 21" long aerator. Connected by a brass shaft with a series of small holes,this initial aerator had an impellor at one end and a 12-volt motor at the other end. When the impellor turned and the tube was submerged in liquid, it drew air down the tube and forced a current of micro bubbles into the tank. The process had a mixing effect and was initially used in the citrus industry. Both men quickly recognized the benefit as a fish tank aerator and named their product – Bait Saver.

Marine Metal Products has been in developing, and marketing many live bait-keeping systems like the Super Saver, Fish Saver, Bubbles, Quiet Bubbles, Hush Bubbles, AirHead, and the insulated Cool Bubbles. In 2005, Clark Lea, Jr., was elected president of the company and currently heads its operation.