|*Please get in contact with me before purchasing

****Selling a Service, not a Physical Copy****

Why should I trust you?

How does it work:

'if you are not the one responsible for the account. This information/process should be shown to your parent/carer or guardian for them to consider as I will need access to your account to play.

Before the transaction

What makes you stand out from the rest?

What platforms can you offer?

What services do you offer and at what prices?


Do you have a badge you want me to get that isn't listed here? Feel free to get in touch so we can talk about possibilities and pricing.

*I do not guarantee Predator, however I do guarantee the RP you request (within reason of course, please contact me before hand about availability and time scale before purchasing). The reason I do it this way, is so you, the buyer, can judge how much RP may be necessary to reach top #750 Predator, contact me on advice for how much RP I estimate will be needed for Predator.


Any Other offers?

How do you decide your prices?


What are the time scales?

*Side note: If you make multiple purchases, the time scales are cumulative meaning if you bought two items at TS1, that would mean it would be 2x [TS1] in terms of time scale or in plain English “between two – four days”.


Anything else to consider?


    Once payment is received, message the following requirements:

Not completed within the given time scale?