Teen-Age Horizons of Shangrila #1 in  Near Mint Condition.

Summer 1970 / 36 pages / Kitchen Sink

1st printing - National Edition. 

Stories and art by Jay Lynch, Denis Kitchen, Jim Mitchell, Dan Clyne, Don Glassford, Justin Green, and Pete Poplaski. Cover by Jay Lynch.

36 pages, B&W. MATURE 

There are currently four known printings of this comic book, all by Kitchen Sink and all with 50-cent cover prices.

The 1st printing included two editions; one a local edition with 8 extra pages of advertising (44 total pages) and one a national edition without the ads (36 total pages). The ad section is the only thing that differentiates 1st and 2nd editions.


The last three printings can only be differentiated by the indicia on the inside front cover, which indicates its printing. 

The 2nd printing states "Second Printing April, 1971" while the latter two use the standard publishing shorthand (e.g., "Printing 6543" for the 3rd printing).