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Triple Pack: Nimble - Cutting and Slicing Tool

The Nimble is a handy, safe cutting tool that fits to the end of your finger, much like a thimble. Comes in a pack of 3 nimble cutters
Image a close-up of the yellow Nimble with a side-view of the tiny slicing bladeImage shows the yellow Nimble laid upon its side to show the internal area where a finger is placedImage shows a close-up, front-view of the yellow Nimble with the slicing blade in view
Made from yellow silicone rubber, the Nimble fits securely to the tip of any finger, and encased at the top of the dome is housed a compact ceramic slicing blade.Image shows a close-up of a Nimble upon a male index finger cutting through a cardboard box

The small, secure blade is sharp enough to penetrate paper and plastic packaging, yet the ingenious design means that the flexible tip and compact size of the blade will simply move-around skin folds if it were to come in contact with your hand for example - ensuring that you will avoid hurting or cutting yourself in any way.

The Nimble has endless uses in everyday life around the home, and its compact size means it is ideal for popping in your pocket and taking out-and-about.

Daily tasks such as slicing open food packaging, scoring and cutting out coupons, opening letters and even working with paper and other materials for craft hobbies, are made infinitely easier, safer and quicker with the precision blade poised atop the Nimble.
The Nimble is the perfect addition to all kitchen drawers and hobby rooms, and is ideal for those whom struggle to use scissors or knives.
Image shows a the length of a ladies forearm outstretched, with a yellow Nimble on the tip of her index finger