Life Magazine Lot of 4 Full Month of December 1968 6, 13, 20, 27

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Life Magazine December 6, 1968 Corruption of Chicago Police

Pg… 6 The Presidency: Question for Nixon: "What's a Cabinet for ?" by Hugh Sidey
Pg… 10–24 Reviews: Book: "A World of Profit," by Louis Auchincloss, Reviewed by Melvin Maddocks
Pg… 10–24 Reviews: Movie: "The Fixer," Directed by John Frankenheimer, Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 10–24 Reviews: Music: "Solomon," by George Frideric Handel, Reviewed by Richard Freedman
Pg… 10–24 Reviews: Book: "Steps," by Jerzy Kosinksi, Reviewed by Daniel Stern
Pg… 30A Letters to the Editors
Pg… 34 The Chicago Police Riot: A Startling Official Report Analyzes the Violence at the Democratic Convention. A LIFE Exclusive: Payoffs by the Mob Helped Break Down Discipline. By Sandy Smith
Pg… 44 On the Newsfronts of the World: A Quiet Dawn Comes to James Fork as a Furnace Rages Beneath. By John Neary. Photographed by William Albert Allard
Pg… 48 Editorials: In the Spirit of Bretton Woods
Pg… 48 Editorials: Unsexing the Classifieds
Pg… 53 Close–Up: He Cares Enough: Joyce Hall, Greeting–Card King. By Jane Howard
Pg… 60 Aboard Apollo
Pg… 7 The Three Astronauts Describe Their 11 Days Aloft. "I have been Devoured by this Business." By Wally Schirra. "It was a Pretty Fast Six–Handed Game for a While." By Donn Eisele. "I Told My Muscles: Okay, Just Relax." By Walt Cunningham
Pg… 86 Nature: The Pandas Meet Again and a Likely Pair Turns Out to be the Odd Couple
Pg… 93 Search for a Black Past: Part III: Mobilization of Black Strength: The Past Half Century in Negro History?Wars, Depression, Struggle, a Renaissance and Progress
Pg… 110 The Think–Tank Man: Herman Kahn Considers Himself "One of the 10 Most Famous Obscure Americans." By William A. McWhirter
Pg… 128 Fashion: In Renaissance Style, the Mirrored Alchemy of Gold and Black. Photographed by Barry Kaplan
Pg… 135 Movies: The Filming of "Santa Vittoria." By Dora Jane Hamblin
Pg… 140 Miscellany

Life Magazine December 13, 1968 Baltimore Colts Football by Ogden Nash

Pg… 4 The Presidency: Exit Big Daddy, Enter the Middle–Brow Manner. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 8–18 Reviews: Movie: "The Stalking Moon," Directed by Robert Mulligan, Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 8–18 Reviews: Book: "The Cat's Pajamas and Witch's Milk," by Peter De Vries, Reviewed by Leonore Fleischer
Pg… 22A Letters to the Editors
Pg… 22B The Feminine Eye: The Best First Lady. By Shana Alexander
Pg… 26 A Scenario of Spies: A Strange Wave of "Suicides" and Arrests Indicates Security Trouble in NATO?and in Soviet Intelligence Too. By Philippe de Vosjoli. A Turk with a Thirst for Scotch and Secrets. By Miguel Acoca
Pg… 32 On the Newsfronts of the World: Lady Jockeys? Who Needs 'em? "They'll Find Out how Tough it is and Then They'll Give Up." By Bill Hartack
Pg… 32 On the Newsfronts of the World: A Frightful Way to Treat a Future King
Pg… 38 Editorial: The Five Years of L.B.J.
Pg… 43 Close–Up: Producer David Merrick is an Imp in a Monster Mask. By Dick Schaap
Pg… 69 Space: Escape Routes from a Rocket in Trouble
Pg… 75 My Colts by Ogden Nash: Verses and Reverses by a Football Buff from Baltimore. Photographed by Arthur Rickerby
Pg… 82 Search for a Black Past: Part IV: A Separate Path to Equality: The Spokesmen Shift from Moderate to Militant?and Eloquent Black Voices from the Past are Heard
Pg… 100 Fashion: A Tour de Furs of Jacques Kaplan's Collections: Calf, Skunk and Paintings by Larry Rivers. Photographed by Howell Conant
Pg… 107 Television: A Remarkable Film Unflinchingly Shows Life Coming to an End
Pg… 110 Miscellany
Life Magazine December 20, 1968 Mark Twain Unpublished Manuscript

Pg… 2 The Presidency: Twelve Men Who Know How to Work in the Boiler Room. By Hugh Sidey
Pg… 6–8 Reviews: Books: A Few Fine Fish that Almost got Away, Reviewed by Melvin Maddocks
Pg… 6–8 Reviews: Movies: Unsung Heroes of Screen '68, Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 6–8 Reviews: Television: PBL: Get Off Issues and On People, by James Lipscomb
Pg… 13 Letters to the Editors
Pg… 14 Dateline America: Crossed Gunsights?Wyatt Earp vs. Joe Bonanno. By David Snell
Pg… 16 Men and Machine: Three Brave Men will be Lofted to the Moon by Saturn V, the Biggest Rocket in the World. Biography of the Monster. By Dora Jane Hamblin
Pg… 24 On the Newsfronts of the World: A New Vow Rouses the Arabs: Al Fatah!
Pg… 26B Editorials: Biafra: Getting Worse
Pg… 26B Editorials: Men Nixon Feels at Home with
Pg… 28 Science: Welding a Tail on a New Blue Whale
Pg… 32 An Unpublished Tale by Mark Twain: Tom and Huck Among the Indians: American Fiction's Most Famous Boys Set Off on a Wild Adventure They Never Finished. Drawings by James McMullan
Pg… 53 Sports: The Famous Mustache that was Joe Namath and the Jets have that Uppity Winner's Look
Pg… 58 Getting By On $20,000 a Year: Six Families Who Earn that Much have Trouble Staying Out of the Red?Like Everybody Else. By Ann Bayer
Pg… 70 Great Dinners: Part 57: Double Lamb Chops, Morsels for a Midwinter Night. By Eleanor Graves. Photographed by John Dominis
Pg… 76 Miscellany
Life Magazine December 27, 1968 Picasso Special Double Issue

Pg… 10 Picasso: His Power
Pg… 30 Picasso: Spain
Pg… 43 Picasso: Early Years
Pg… 49 Picasso: Cubism
Pg… 64 Picasso: His Women
Pg… 86 Picasso: Guernica
Pg… 97 Picasso: Metamorphosis
Pg… 106 Picasso: Sleep Watchers
Pg… 122 Picasso: His Disguises