Osbournes Modern Marine Engineering Manuals, Volumes I & II.  Original ownner, hardcover, both books are in very good condition, no inside notes or highlighted markings other than stamped retail price, slight age and dust smudges, no dog eared pages, volume I has a cover small tear on the back cover(see picture).    Volume I is a 1989 2nd edition and Volume II is a 1991 2nd edition.  Used as reference resource and bookshelf stored. General measurements:Volume 1  weight- 3 lbs. 13.8 ozs., height-2 3/8",width-6 1/4", & length 9 3/16". Volume 2  weight-3 lbs. 5.5ozs., height-2", Width-6 1/4, & length-9 3/16. I do not take or make exchanges, returns, or refunds so please carefully inspect accompanying photographs.  Please contact me if you have any questions about an item or problems with your order.  All sales are final. I carefully pack items recycling shipping material. I ship upon confirmation of payment.