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Items Specifications :

Item 名稱: Mummy Lokok Guman Red Blood Alien Gambling Lucky Money Tawee Thai Amulet #17878.


  • Creator 师傅/庙名: AC TAWEEDUM NaRaj
  • Years made 年份 : B.E.2558 or 2015 A.D
  • Main Material 原料 : Bonne ashes Powder mixed
  • Good Effective for : Gambling Excellent, fulfill wishes, lucky with windfall
  • Size : See on photo, if not clear please email me
  • FrameCase : As Show on listing, if not show please email me

*Vintage Original, White magic powerful, No bad side effect.*.

lokok magic is very strong powerful item. because Spirit whom Die Before birth  that believed it have strong spirit. So this Mummy lokok good for about financing, the sale,trading, and fortune gambling.

ลูกกรอกกุมารทอง (แบบนอน) เนื้อเรซินผสมผงกระดูกพรายอาถรรพณ์ ลูกกรอกกุมารทองพุทธคุณโดดเด่นเรื่องให้โชคให้ลาภ ค้าขายดีมีกำไรกิจการขยายตัว อย่างอัศจรรย์  สร้างและเสกโดยเกจิอาจารย์ ที่มีมหาเวทมหามนต์ตรา คาถาอาคมขลังเด่นดัง เรื่องกุมารทองว่าปลุกเสกได้เฮี้ยนและขลังจริง ในยุคปัจจุบันนี้ยากจะหาท่านใดทัดเทียมได้ ในฐานะศิษย์ผู้สืบทอดพลังเวทวิทยาคม ที่ได้รับการถ่ายทอดจากหลายๆอาจารย์ ทั้งคนไทยและชาวต่างชาติ เดินทางไปบูชากุมารทองถึงที่วัดมีคนทั้งหลายนิยมเช่าหากุมารทองของท่านมาเลี้ยงและกล่าวขานถึงสรรพสิทธิ์อิทธิคุณว่าฉมังนัก ให้โชคให้ลาภอย่างอัศจรรย์ กุมารทองของท่านมักจะพุ่งแรงแซงโค้งและทิ้งห่างวัตถุมงคลอื่นหลายโยชน์และกล่าวขานกันว่า บรรดาพ่อค้าแม่ค้าที่ขายของฝืดเคืองแต่กลับขายดิบขายดีมีกำไรกิจการขยายตัวสวนกระแสเศรษฐกิจ ตั้งแต่ได้กุมารทองไปเลี้ยงบูชา

This is a very fine amulet piece, it was incantation and bless with Good powerful magic.

KHATA for this item:No need to pray Khata.

Khata to audio MP3 file (If temple give khata with item.)and send to buyer within 7day after package ship out. If buyer not received please email to Ask me again.

Please note: khata is ancient magic spell. also not my language. so it has no meaning for translate and no need to understand meaning. just chant it. 

Khata is a mantras phonetic Praying word to consecrate and control power of this item. in order for the amulet to work it needs the right pronunciation with the Katha. In line with this I will do Khata to audio MP3 file only and i can not write it down to read for you because if you can not speak it, you can open this audio with speaker phone to amulet or write it down for read with your self to get correct pronunciation. 


Thailand  Amulet & Talisman is any object that is imbued with protective powers, and all cultures have manifestations of such objects. 

In the world of Thailand amulet, Many people believe the symbol of Load buddha has the power to ward off evil.  that an object that is inscribed with the word of God, image of Lord buddha and religious narratives, symbol and signs, will protect the person who reads, touches, or sees it. 

The surface of an amulet and talismans object can be covered with prayers, signs, numbers, and decorative motifs, and the object is carried in a pocket, or rolled and placed in an amulet case; some talismans are worn as clothin. The most efficacious amulet & talismans are those that are inscribed with prayers that remind people to lord Buddha and his narratives. 

GUMAN-THONG กุมารทอง or LOKOK is a BABY GHOST amulet represents an unwanted child (aborted fetus).

Thai men believe this item is full of power. The wearer of this item is believed to be able to attract a specifically chosen member of the opposite sex. This represents a darker side of Asian beliefs, as it is usually associated with black magic. This amulet is specifically meant for men, to attract the woman of their desires or bring you lucky in love and was believed have some power from the spirit of good baby inside items. They good to bring luck for owner best for gamble and trade..also love(sex).

If you are having problems attracting that certain someone, this item is made for you.

OLD Legend tells Kuman made by A man whom have dark magic. He was very handsome and with multiple wives. One of his wives passed away while pregnant and Khun Paen reputedly used his magic to create a ghost child named 'Kuman Tong' from her womb. Amulets with the image of the ghost child are believed to protect the bearer from danger and encourage prosperity.

A good way for worship Kuman Thong please do follow this.

1 Please leave some toy, cloth , candy, milk for kuman always like buy some thing for your children

2.Do not keep this KUMAn near another amulet or over Buddha image ( if you have many Kuman please keep all together).

3. Always praying khata

Guman Thong is a Thai amulet created in the form of a lovely young child, but it's really a ghost !! It's was first created in the early of Ayuthaya era or some 500 years ago during Khun Paen's life period. It can be said that Khun Paen was the first who created Guman Thong. He brought the dead baby from the womb of the dead Bua Klee, one of his minor wife, to the Bosth's outer area within Pathasima marking boundary pillars for ritual processes. Bosth is the major chanting hall where the main Buddha image of the temple is placed. Bosth and its outer area are so sacred place that no mighty ghosts or spirits can enter to make any harassment. By the legendary descriptions, Khun Paen was chanting some important Mantras to activate the spirit of Guman Thong while baking the dead baby on the fire.
It's Thai belief that a mother who died with her baby in the womb may become a very mighty ferocious ghost, Thai people call such the ghost PHI TAI TONG KLOM. By Thai traditon, any pregnant lady who died in that manner will not be cremated immediately in all cases, believing that it will make the spirit of the dead unhappy and may activate her to become the vicious ghost. Creating Guman Thong in the ancient time was very thrilling. The master had to go to the graveyard alone in the night, dig up the corpse, cut the corpse's abdomen bringing the dead baby out, and then rush directly to the nearest Bosth's outer area for baking processes.That's the safe place to protect the ghost mother from trying to bring her baby back. So only the strong-mind person who possesses the advanced magical knowledges to fight the ghost could do this.
Even the root form of Guman Thong is actually a dead infant. But it is traditionally created in the form of a young child with various materials, such as wood, bronze, ivery tusk, plaster,etc. The main purpose of creating Guman Thong in the ancient time is for protecting the owner. The young child ghost could be activated with Mantra to fight the owner's enemies or to protect the owner's treasures.
Creating present-era Guman Thongs the guru monks use no more such the thrilling method but create them with sacred materials and activate their lives by holy Mantras. Some guru monks who created sacred Guman Thongs are such as Luang Poo Boon of Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Luang Poh Cham of Wat Takong and Luang Poh Tae KongThong of Wat SamNgam, etc. But the most well-known and most popular pieces are of Luang Poh Tae  and Luang Poh YAM of wat SAmNGAM temple. Almost all the present-era Guman Thongs have been created for wealth and for fortune-fetching purposes.

The Power of Guman Thong

Many clergy guru and master have always praised the power of Guman Thong because he always brings his owner prosperity, luck, and love.  Anyone who possesses Guman Thong and takes good care of him and worships him will be like an explorer finding invaluable treasure.  Guman Thong will stay with owner long time and needs deliberate practices. But if you can do it completely as recommended, he will be a good great fortune bringer. They will give him luck until he gets richer and richer, and eventually becomes a millionaire.
Guman Thong is best your assistant,  he will repay you by these returns:
1. Increasing your advantage in trade
2. Watching your property
3. Watching your house
4. Giving you lock in lottery
5. Telling you the future


Guman Thong can help to bring customer into your shop. He will grab their hands and lead them there (Customers would feel like walking to the shop or this shop is attractive.). he will also inspire the customers’ minds or whisper to their ears (They actually hear nothing but he would feel like doing some shopping.). However, whether your shop would run well or not it depends on other conditions such as:
1. the fortune of the shop’s owner and the right time when he bring Guman Thong to live with him
2. the quality of the goods
3. the appropriate price
4. the shopkeeper’s good manner
5. the position of the shop

Guman Thong can watch your house and your property when you are away by using his power and making other people think there was someone, some dogs, or black shadow in your house. Yet, some Guman Thong cannot have this kind of magic, because most of it depends on the owner’s fate.
How to worship Guman Thong

Any one who wants to worship Guman Thong should be acknowledged some important practices :
first time when GMT arrive to home, It is important to invite Guman Thong come in to our home.
1. No need to light a incense but important to put them in best postion. Best position of Guman in your house or office  should be turn the face in the east or north and have to lower than the Buddha image’s in anyone's house. Do not let him face the west, put him at the end of your bed, or under the stair.
2. Then  create particular  name to him and  invite your Guman Thong to your home by Call invite by his GMT name 3 round. such as  "please come to stay with me" after that, every day keep praying KHATA and telling him what you desire for he could give you what you want.
3. Food is very important in bringing up Guman Thong, So have to offering must be presented at least once a day.  Like the way to nourish babies, it is necessary to worship Guman Thong with fruits, sweet drink, candy, toys, rose  which are his favourite.
4. Toy offering must also be presented occasionally, it's just because Guman Thong is a young child(spirit), he likes playing toys as another human child.
5. The worshipper should love Guman Thong as his/her son. For the 1st personal pronoun you call yourself "father" or "mother"; for the 2nd personal pronoun you call him "my son" ; and for the 3rd personal pronoun you just call his name Guman Thong.
6. Should not put GMT in same room or near bed of small child/children at night. Some people make a shelf for him and decorate it just like a new small baby room with little bed and pillow.
7.Guman Thong like his owner to talk to him, and you should talk to him sweetly as if he was your children.

YHAN or Yant is Traditional Thai Holy alphabet Tattoo spell.

Yant is Originally derived from the Sanskrit word YHAN-TRA is meaning as holy alphabet / letter of magic spell

Yant is a Sacred geometrical design that provide powers of protection and various blessings through Buddhist psalms and magical formulas. The Buddhist psalms written in Thai or Khmer script around the yant are know as “Khata”.  A Khata is also known as Mantra (magic spell) in other meaning, the word Mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning Prayer.

For hundreds of years, Thai and Khmer warriors where renowned and feared for the magical markings Yant tattooed on their skin. These markings yant were a mix of Buddhist psalms and prayers, and shamanistic spells and sorcery that had survived the Religious transition from the pre-Buddhist, Hindu era and had been incorporated in the belief system of the newly born Buddhist countries.


Other, more complex and complicated YANT designs such as animals and sacred geometry are seen as advanced talismans for more serious and dedicated believers.  If you are a westerner who is looking for your first Yant, 95% of the time it will be one of these designs.


ยันต์นั้น มีเรื่องราวที่ถูกบันทึกและสืบทอดมาตั้งแต่สมัยโบราณ พบเห็นอยู่ทั่วไปผ่านการสัก แต่จะแตกต่างกันไปตามความเชื่อและวัฒนธรรมของแต่ละภูมิภาค ในประเทศไทยยันต์ลวดลายที่นิยมกันอย่างแพร่หลายในบรรดาผู้ที่นิยมการสักคือ ลวดลายอักขระที่ให้ผลทางไสยศาสตร์ซึ่งแบ่งเป็น 2 ชนิด คือเพื่อผลทางเมตตามหานิยม และเพื่อผลทางอยู่ยงคงกระพันชาตรีให้แคล้วคลาดจากของมีคม อุบัติเหตุ หรืออันตรายทั้งปวง

ยันต์เมตตามหานิยม เป็นตัวแทนของความมีเสน่ห์เป็นที่รักใคร่ของคนทั่วไป โดยเฉพาะให้ผลดีทางการเจรจา ค้าขายทำให้เจริญรุ่งเรืองทำมาค้าขึ้น ส่วนลายสัก

ยันต์อยู่ยงคงกระพันชาตรี จะนิยมสักลวดลายซึ่งเป็นตัวแทนความดุร้ายความปราดเปรียว ความสง่างาม ความกล้าหาญ ได้แก่ลายเสือเผ่น หนุมานคลุกฝุ่น หงส์ และลายสิงห์ เป็นต้น หรือเป็นลายที่เปรียบเสมือนเกราะป้องกันภยันตรายต่างๆ

ความนิยมในยันต์ด้านไสยศาสตร์นี้ จึงมีเกจิอาจารย์เกิดขึ้นมากมายเป็นทั้ง พระ-ฆราวาส บางรูปบางคนมีชื่อเสียงมากเป็นที่นิยมของคนมากมาย โดยเฉพาะคนดังมีชื่อเสียงด้านบันเทิง นักกีฬา ทั้งชายและหญิง ไม่เพียงแต่คนดังในประเทศไทยเท่านั้น ไปถึงต่างประเทศที่นิยมเข้ามาสักยันต์ด้านไสยศาสตร์มากมายเช่นกัน 

PLAI KUMAN POWDER ผงพรายกุมาร : is meaning powder which mixed with cemetery soil and other holy place. It is the most essential composition of Powerful amulets in thailand.

Origin PLAI KUMAN POWDER was Created by a famouse monk name Luang Phu TIM of Wat Lahanrai, rayong province, Thailand.

The PLAI KUMAN POWDER is very popular in thailand because have to Created by Famous monk him self. Monk will instruced his a close disciple to locate the corpse of a pregnant woman who had only passed the cremation ceremony on Tuesday.

Furthermore Famous Monk also mixed with the burnt head bone of the dead fetus, a number of other sacred Powders (including somdej wat rakang powder, Jindahmanee of wat kangbangkaw, 108 different herbs and sedges) and the important objectivity is Sacred Soil from many Cemetery pace.

The mixture was chanted for day on end before being each pressed into the molds of his amulet. This was required in essential composition to created this sacred PLAI KUMAN POWDER!!!

Please Note 

!!!: double read all before Purchase
  • Under Multiple quantity selling, i am using  stock photo of 1 item to selling many quantity, so your received item(s) may not actual piece as seen on listing but i am confirm there your received will be similar and all significant not much difference between them. 100% guarantee about condition detail will similar as you see.
  • If buyer want to see actual picture of item, it ok. Buyer have to place order and complete payment before, after that just email to me with subject "want to see actual picture if paid item(s)". i will take photo(s) of actual item in current stock and send to you by reply your email. if you saw photo and confirm i will ship out package but if buyer no want to get it, buyer can cancel order and get full refund. (this process may take 2-3 day for take a photo)
  • Due to many type of monitors, the actual color may be a little bit different as shown

Tag:Mummy Lokok Guman Red Blood Alien Gambling Lucky Money Tawee Thai Amulet #17878,AC TAWEEDUM NaRaj,Bonne ashes Powder mixedB.E.2558 or 2015 A.D,Gambling Excellent, fulfill wishes, lucky with windfall,GUMAN / KUMAN THONG (SUPER BABY BOY SPIRIT) !!, LOKOK Spirit, YANT / Yhan Holy Alphabet / letter / tattoo magic spell !!, PONG-PLAI-KUMAN (PPKM) Prai Bone Ashes mixed !!, Protection & Invulnerable & Harmless, Gambling & Windfall & Unexpected Wealth, Richly & Money & Career Wealth,

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