Size - 7.6 x 0.1 x 7.6 Centimeters

Weight - 50 g

Metal – Asthadhathu Copper finish

The Kamdev Yantra is associated with Kamdev, the Hindu god of love, desire, and passion. Worshiping this yantra is believed to enhance one's romantic life, attract love, and promote harmonious relationships. Here's a guide on the importance and method of praying to the Kamdev Yantra:


Love and Attraction: The primary significance of the Kamdev Yantra lies in its association with love, attraction, and the awakening of romantic feelings.

Enhancement of Relationships: Devotees believe that by praying to the Kamdev Yantra, one can strengthen existing relationships and attract a potential romantic partner.

Passion and Harmony: The yantra is thought to bring about a harmonious balance of passion and understanding in relationships, fostering a positive and loving atmosphere.

Fulfillment of Desires: Worshipers often turn to the Kamdev Yantra to seek fulfillment of their romantic and emotional desires.

Method of Prayer:


Begin by purifying yourself through a shower or bath. This is a common practice before engaging in any form of worship.

Choose an Auspicious Time:

While prayers can be offered at any time, some people prefer auspicious occasions, festivals, or specific planetary hours for enhanced spiritual energy.

Altar Setup:

Place the Kamdev Yantra on a clean and sacred altar.

Light incense and a lamp or candle to create a sacred atmosphere.

Offer fresh flowers and other symbolic items associated with love and romance.

Recite Mantras:

Chant the Kamdev mantra, such as "Om Kleem Kamdevaya Namaha" or any other mantra associated with Kamdev. The repetition of these mantras is believed to invoke the deity's presence.


Focus your mind on the Kamdev Yantra. Visualize the energy of love and passion radiating from the yantra and permeating your surroundings.


Offer water, milk, honey, or other symbolic items as a gesture of devotion and love.

Prayers and Intentions:

Express your desires and intentions related to love and relationships. Pray for the blessings of Kamdev for a fulfilling romantic life.

Regular Worship:

Consistency is key. Regularly repeat the process, preferably daily, to strengthen the connection with the Kamdev Yantra's energies.


Conclude the ritual by expressing gratitude. Some also conclude with an aarti (a ritual of waving light) and distributing prasad (consecrated offerings).

Remember that spiritual practices are deeply personal, and the sincerity of your intentions plays a crucial role. Seek guidance from knowledgeable sources or spiritual guides for a more personalized approach to worshiping the Kamdev Yantra.