Carob Dog Chocolate Drops Buttons

Reward your Dog with these Tasty Carob Chocolate Treats
packed with added vitamins for Healthy Skin, Teeth, Bones and Eyes
Unlike many other Brands these Drops do not contain Cocoa
making these perfectly safe and tasty for our 4 Legged Friends

Human Chocolate Contains Theobromine, a chemical found in the Cocoa Bean which is 
poisonous to Dogs and if eaten can cause Diarrhoea, Restlessness, Nausea and Vomiting

These Dog Treats made in the UK, with rigorous control of Raw Materials to
ensure they are manufactured to the most stringent standards

Carob is a Safe Choc for Dogs
These Do Not contain Theobromine

Making these Drops Highly Palatable

We have been asked can Humans eat these Carob Chocolates?
The answer is YES!

Carob is an excellent alternative to chocolate, especially if your body has digestive or dietary issues, such as gluten-intolerance.
 You can enjoy your favorite sweet treats with fewer calories, fat, and sugar.

Wheat Flour, Vegetanle Oil, Reduced Sugar, Soya Lecithin, Minerals, Milk Powder, Carob
Produced in the UK

Analysis;-  Protein 8%, Ash 3%, Oil 20% & Fibre 1%