This Barn Owl puppet  by Hansa is made from multi coloured plush and has airbrushed shading to add to the charm and realism of this creature. The head and wings can be moved as with most glove puppets and the wings look amazing when the owl is "flying". Hours of fun and entertainment for owl lovers of all ages.

It has an educational tag attached that gives you facts about the owl along with a small booklet that shows some of the other Hansa creations.

Size approx.22.5"(57cm) in length and 11"(28cm) in height,  23.5 (60cm) wingspan.

Ideal gift for wild animal and nature lovers, a toy for the younger ones, nursery décor or part of an adult plush collection.

UK Stockist Offering The Largest Selection Of Hansa Creations in the UK

31 Years Experience
1993 - 2024