Greco-Roman Cities of Aegean Turkey.  Henry Matthews, İstanbul: Ege Yayınları, 2014, 370 p. 15x21 cm ISBN: 9786054701414


Filling a gap in available literature, Professor Henry Matthews brings alive the ancient cities of Aegean Turkey. He passionately explores history from the Bronze Age to the Byzantine era while lucidly explaining architectural principles. He guides readers through rugged mountains and fertile river valleys to twenty-one sites, including Troy, where the walls still stand that resisted Agamemnon’s warriors; Miletus, the birthplace of Greek philosophy and science; Priene, whose Late Classical ruins express political and artistic ideals; Pergamon, the dramatic mountain-top metropolis; Aphrodisias, Hierapolis and Ephesus, where brilliant Roman architecture prevails and many surprises await.


Author’s note
Chapters on cities in a north-south sequence

  • Troy
  • Alexandria Troas
  • Chryse (Smintheion, Gulpinar)
  • Assos
  • Pergamon
  • Smyrna (Izmir)
  • The Cesme Peninsula: Teos & Clazomenae
  • Sardis
  • Hierapolis
  • Laodicea on the Licos
  • Aphrodisias
  • Ephesus
  • Magnesia on the Maeander
  • Priene
  • Miletus
  • The Oracle and Temple of Apollo at Didyma
  • Herakleia under Latmos
  • Euromos
  • Labraunda
  • Halikarnassos (Bodrum)

Travel, accommodation and food
Further Reading
About the author
Folded endpaper: Chronological table & migration map