Thao Wessuwan Giant God Amulet Thai Blue Gold Pendant Talisman Protection
condition/ good condition
material/ brass
colour/ gold and blue
size/ approx 2.5 x 4 cm
quantity/ 1 pc

Thao Wessuwan is the god of giants and he is one of the four great kings who protect and take care of the human world. Residing in the Heavenly Fourth Maharajika. In the Ramayana story, he is the son of Thao Lustian and Mrs. Srisumontha. He had younger brothers Thao Kuperan and Thao Wasvativan. He is very powerful. Thao Wessuwan is Thao Kuvere in Hinduism.

In Buddhist scriptures, Thao Wessuwan is mentioned as one of the 5 super weapons.
1) Vajiravudh of Indra
2) Thao Wessuwan's baton
3) Eyes of Lord Yama
4) Giant Awake's Scarf
5) Crystal Chakra of the Emperor

Thao Wessuwan has his followers, namely Yommathood (Reaper) and Nirayabal which they are giant deity and are responsible for punishing hell beasts in the hell. Therefore, Thao Wessuwan is considered to be the master of spirits that controls various demons as well.

Ancient Thai people often put a giant yantra cloth on the head of a child's bed to prevent evil spirits that will harass the child.

Thai people believe that worshiping Thao Wessuwan will bring good trade. Like the name "Wessuwan" which means gold merchant. And believed to make wealth stable. No one will be able to destroy or take away because Thao Wessuwan is known as protecting the treasure (according to the legend that Thao Wessuwan will order to Kuyahaka giant to guard the treasure).

Including the belief that worshiping Thao Wessuwan will prevent black magic from bad people who intend to cause trouble for your business or your family.