Grow Fresh Barley Grass Seed For Your Pets
See our shop for smaller 

The whole grains are then packed in bags ready to be shipped.

A broad blade grass with a lighter green colour than wheat, 

Grow Fresh Grass For Your Pets

 but around here we like to mix it into our Wheat at a rate of about 5:1 (20% Barley).
 The Grasses all provide about the same nutrition so mix and match freely.

 Barley grass is said to have 30 times more vitamin B1 and 11 times the amount of

 calcium than there is in cow’s milk, 6.5 times as much carotene and nearly 5 times the iron content of spinach, 

close to seven times the vitamin C in oranges and 80 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100ml.

Can be purchased in a bucket with a lid

5kg in a 10litre Food Safe Bucket with Lid
10kg in a 25litre Food Safe Bucket with Lid

barleygrass seedbarleygrass

grass rabbitcat rabbit
Animals love the fresh grown grass