Roots, Verb Forms and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language by William D. Whitney.

This is a high-quality reprint of the 1945 American Oriental Series edition, from Edwards Brothers Inc. (formerly) in Ann Arbor Michigan. There is no reprint date in the frontmatter but I'm pretty sure it's newer than 1945). I bought this sometime in the early to mid 1990s in Ann Arbor when I was studying Sanskrit either late undergrad or early grad school. IIRC I stumbled across it in one of the local overpriced used book stores and snarfed it up.

Others have commented online that this book is a marvelous alternative to pawing thru the onion-skin pages of Monier Williams when confronted by an exotic past aorist. (Just for yuks, I think my favorite silly-sounding Sanskrit verb form of all time is mlāpayati "causes to relax")