Auction Wizard 2000 Listing Template - AW2KLOT#:29089
Carved and Nicely Polished Natural Blue Lapis Lazuli Mini Point Tower - Healing Crystal Mineral - Metaphysical Reiki Chakra Wicca

This piece is NATURAL not dyed or treated in anyway.

Stone origin: Pakistan

Approximate Measurement: 2" x 7/8" x 7/8"

Approximate Weight: 47.34 grams

Lapis Lazuli has a very powerful vibration!

You will receive the exact piece pictured in this listing!  It will be cleansed and Reiki infused prior to shipment.

Protection Truth Communication

Lapis Lazuli is known as the stone of truth.  It is associated with the throat chakra and speaking our truth. It is also wonderful for assisting in openness, inner power, love, purification and intuition. Lapis helps one to open up to their psychic abilities. It is considered to strengthen ones mind and body. Lapis allows us to tap into our own inner power while purifying the soul and thoughts. It assists one in contacting our spirit guardians.

Beneficial for objectivity, clarity, stress, anxiety, self-expression, self-awareness, inner vision, protection, enhances telepathy, past life recall, and deepens meditation.  Assists one with taking charge of their life.  It helps open the heart to love - a bonding stone in love and friendship.

Other Blue Lapis Lazuli Info:

Associated Zodiac Sign(s): Sagittarius

Associated Planet: Venus

Associated Number(s): 3

Associated Chakra: Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Please note: Crystal info listed here is for informational purposes only. My reference sources are works by Judy Hall and Robert Simmons.