Retro 51 Pen and Pencil Set - Goldy - sealed LOW # 19

'Goldy' the Giraffe

What is long, yellow, has brown spots, and is named Goldy?the new Retro51 and Mann Inc Goldy the Giraffe Tornado. Designed by Mann Incs own 7-year-old wonder, Jessica Mann, this pen embraces the childlike wonder of seeing these incredible creatures for the first time. Bring home a piece of your childhood, a sticker that says Stay Golden" and allow for this pen to become a member of your pen family!

Fun fact from Jessie: Did you know even though a Giraffe's neck is much longer than a human they both have the same number of bones.

Retro 1951 Tornado Goldy Rollerball Pen and Pencil Set Specifications:

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