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Titel: The Complete Sacred Music of Henry Purcell
Zustand: Neu
Interpret: Henry Purcell
Format: CD
Edition: Box Set
Anzahl der Scheiben: 11
Musiklabel: Hyperion
Herstellernummer: CDS44141-51
Erscheinungsdatum: 04.11.2002
Komponist: Henry Purcell
Dirigent: Robert King
Orchestra: The King's Consort
Genre: Classical
Stilrichtung: Sacred Choral/Vocal
EAN: 0034571141411
Title Format: CD
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002

Disc 1
1: Symphony
2: O sing unto the Lord a new song. Alleluia
3: Sing unto the Lord, and praise his name
4: The Lord is great, and cannot worthily be praised
5: O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
6: Tell It Out Among the Heathen That the Lord Is King
7: Symphony
8: Praise him in his noble acts:
9: Praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals:
10: Symphony
11: Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem:
12: Be thou exalted, Lord, in Thine own strength:
13: Symphony
14: To tell of thy loving kindness earl in the morning:
15: O Lord, how glorious are thy works:
16: For thou Lord, hast made me glad through thy works:
17: O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious:
18: Who Can Express the Noble Acts of the Lord
19: Remember Me, O Lord
20: That I may see the felicity of thy chosen:
21: Blessed be the Lord Goid of Israel
22: Let mine eyes run down with tears night and day, and let them not cease
23: We acknowledge, O Lord, our wickedness
24: Do not abhor us, for thy name's sake
25: Symphony
26: For lo! the winter is past, the rain is over and gone
27: And the time of the singing of birds is come. Alleluia
28: Symphony
29: My beloved is mine, and I am his. Alleluia

Disc 2
1: Symphony
2: Blessed are they that fear the Lord
4: Alleluia
5: Symphony
7: Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son
8: Symphony
10: Symphony
12: Symphony
15: Symphony
16: O Lord god of hosts, who is like unto thee?
17: Alleluia
18: We Praise Thee, O God
19: The Fahter of an infinite majesty
20: When thou took st upon thee to deliver man
21: O Lord, save thy people, and bless thine heritage
22: Vouchsafe, O Lord, to Keep Us This Day Without Sin
23: O Be Joyful in the Lord, All Ye Lands
24: Be Ye Sure That the Lord He Is God
25: For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting
26: Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son

Disc 3
1: Blow Up the Trumpet in Sion
2: The Lord is King, be the people never so impatient
3: Begin the song, and strike the living lyre
4: Thy word is a lantern unto my feet
6: Hear My Prayer, O Lord
7: Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes
8: O Lord, our Governor
9: Remember not, Lord, our offences, full anthem
10: Hosanna to the highest
11: O God, Thou Hast Cast Us Out

Disc 4
1: Behold, I Bring You Glad Tidings
2: Since God so tender a regard
3: Early, O Lord, my fainting soul
4: Sleep, Adam, and Take Thy Rest
5: Awake, ye dead
6: The Earth Trembled
7: The way of God is an undefiled way
8: Lord, not to us, but to thy name
9: Lord, What Is Man?
10: Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms of the earth
11: O, all ye people, clap your hands
12: Symphony
13: She shall be bought unto the king in raiment of needlework
14: Symphony
15: Praise the Lord,

Disc 5
1: O Lord, Rebuke Me Not
2: With Sick and Famish'd Eyes
3: How Long, Great God?
4: Awake, and with attention hear
5: O God, Thou Art My God
6: We Sing to Him, Whose Wisdom Form'd the Ear
8: O, I'm sick of life
9: O God, the King of Glory
10: Let the Night Perish (Job's Curse)
11: When on my sick bed I languish
12: Rejoice in the Lord alway ('The Bell Anthem')

Disc 6
1: Why do the heathen so furiously rage together?
2: Lord, who can tell how oft he offendeth?
3: O Lord, Grant the King a Long Life
4: Hear me, O Lord, the great support
5: Thou wakeful shepherd that does Israel keep (A Morning Hymn)
6: Who Hath Believed Our Report?
7: I Will Love Thee, O Lord
8: Great God, and Just
9: Plung'd in the confines of despair
10: O Praise the Lord, All Ye Heathen
11: My heart is fixed, O God

Disc 7
1: I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me
2: O consider my adveristy
3: Beati Omnes Qui Timent Dominum
4: I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me
5: In the Black Dismal Dungeon of Despair
6: Save me, Oh God
7: Te Deum in B flat
8: Jubilate in B flat
9: Thy Way, oh God, is holy
10: Drum Processional
11: March
12: Man that is born of woman
13: In the Midst of Life
14: Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts
15: Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts
16: Canzona
17: Drum Recessional

Disc 8
1: In Thee, O Lord, Do I Put My Trust
2: Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord
3: Benedicite in B flat
4: Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes
5: Full of wrath, his threatening breath
6: Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord
7: Magnificat in G minor
8: Nunc Dimittis in G minor
9: Be merciful unto me
10: They That Go Down to the Sea in Ships

Disc 9
2: The Lord is King, the earth may be glad thereof
3: Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven
4: O Lord God of Hosts
5: Let God Arise
6: Cantate Domino
7: Deus misereator
8: Blessed be the Lord my strength
9: O Lord, our Governor
10: In guilty night (Saul and the Witch of Endor)

Disc 10
1: I Will Give Thanks Unto the Lord
2: I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live
3: How Have I Stray'd
4: Benedictus in B flat
5: Hear My Prayer, O God
6: Kyrie eleison in B flat
7: Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord
8: Nicene Creed in B flat
9: Blessed is he that considereth the poor
10: The Lord is King, and hath put on glorious apparel
11: Unto thee will I cry

Disc 11
1: Praise the Lord, O my soul; O Lord my God
2: Close Thine Eyes and Sleep Secure
3: Lord, How Long Wilt Thou Be Angry?
4: Hear me, O Lord, and that soon
5: Magnificat in B flat
6: Nunc Dimittis in B Flat
7: Turn thou us, O good Lord
8: O Lord, thou art my God
9: Now that the sun hath veiled his light (An Evening Hymn)
10: Awake, awake, put on thy strength

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