G'day from Down Under, Reader, and welcome to my listing,

The concept of the Tesla Tensor Technology comes from a fellow calling himself The Twisted Sage and he can be found on YouTube, if my readers are interested in knowing a bit more about Tensor technology. The alternate mini Triskelions are made out of anodised copper wire.

This Plate is the first of it's kind that I have attempted. I should have been more careful with placing the large Tensor ring, as it is off centre, but regardless of that, this plate is mesmerising. Because the Tensor ring is off centre I am loathe to sell this item but I will display it to see if one of my readers might want one. It takes three days to make one of these.

The plate comes with either a felt base or rubber studs. If I am not given a preference at the time of ordering a Plate, the rubber studs will be employed.
