This Book/Item comes As is. So;

Discover a comprehensive analysis of historic and projected costs for various renewable energy technologies in this compelling book. Delving into the details of over 50 studies, it provides a comparative evaluation of photovoltaics, solar-thermal, and biomass for both liquid fuels and electricity production.

Engage with insightful findings on the decreasing costs of ethanol production due to technological advancements and a transition to more cost-effective crops since the 1970s. Additionally, explore the promising developments in technology aimed at further reducing the costs of converting low-cost cellulosic materials to ethanol.

Uncover the fascinating variability in the costs of electricity produced from biomass, including site-specific factors and raw material costs. Gain valuable insights into the competitive nature of biomass-generated electricity, compared to fossil-fired and hydro generation under favorable conditions.

Delve into the realm of solar-thermal technologies, where experimental stages showcase varied costs. Discover compelling engineering analyses and experiences that consistently indicate forthcoming costs in the range of 5 to 10 cents per kilowatt-hour in the next generation of schemes. Furthermore, explore the attractive prospects for low-cost storage, high conversion efficiencies, and short lead times, presenting an appealing option for the future.

Finally, explore the compelling journey of photovoltaic modules, which have seen a remarkable decrease in costs over the past few decades, leaving room for further reductions. Engage with the key developments in concentrator cells, multijunction devices, commercialization of new thin-film devices, and the introduction of batch production processes in manufacturing, all promising further cost reductions.

Uncover these captivating insights and more in our detailed exploration of renewable energy technologies, making it an indispensable addition to any enthusiast's collection."