Authentic Demonic Haunted Mexican Hand Made Dolls Phantoms Follow Has Real Haunted vessels and enchanted items. I bought these from someone I knew who bought them on their trip to Mexico! These 2 dolls were hand made, the person that originally bought them thought they were cute and would make great souvenirs to bring back home. They started having all kinds of strange things happen, like cold breezes, feeling of being watched, dark shadows, then things got more violent when they started getting deep bite marks on their bodies, deep scratches , disembodied growling, and items being thrown at them. Finally they were terrified and had enough! They called in a medium who told them that the dolls were both infused with evil! A demon named Tzitzimime, were inhabiting these dolls! Tzitzimime were Mexican demons that lived in the darkness. Their ultimate goal was to attack and destroy both humans and gods! After learning this, they knew that all the activity was coming from these 2 Mexican dolls they had purchased!   The person knew I like all things demonic and sold them to me. I experienced a lot of the same things, especially the scratches! These 2 need to be purchased by someone like a seasoned demonologist! They are very powerful! You are being warned! Do not fool with this type of demonic power! They should be kept in a plexiglass case and use protection! These are authentic Mexican hand made dolls  that have a very powerful demonic power infused in them! Please make sure you want them! I ACCEPT NO RETURNS! NO REFUNDS! Ebay says anything paranormal is only for fun! But these 2 are no joke! Follow me on my YouTube channel Phantoms Follow and also my eBay store so you can get updates on new items and videos