Great for year-round use, the Kingsley Ripstop Rug is the ideal rug for those seeking an affordable everyday rug without compromising on quality. Made from square Ripstop fabrication, it offers the same great fit as the Caribu range along with all the essential features, offering exceptional value.


  • Square weave Ripstop
  • Dual chest straps
  • Shoulder gussets
  • Anti rub shoulder lining
  • Wither padding
  • Adjustable/removable leg straps
  • Standard tail flap
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Kingsley Ripstop Rug

These paddock ripstop rugs by 'Kingsley' are a cost conscious alternative for those that don't need the extra benefits available in the premium Caribu range, while still delivering a rug that is both versatile and durable.

Kingsley Ripstop Rug features:

  • Square Weave Ripstop - 260gsm Polycotton Blend
  • Standard Tail flaps
  • Dual chest buckles for extra security
  • Shoulder gussets for freedom of movement
  • Bartac reinforcing on all fittings
  • Contoured back line with rump darts, for a snug fit
  • Adjustable/removable webbed leg straps
  • Fleece padding to protect the wither
  • Internal lining in the shoulders & mane to help alleviate rubbing