So this one is a pretty unique, creepy and disturbing entity. Definitely on the dark demonic side and will hurt people. I have consistent bruising even though I protect my space around me , we have seen a slender super tall black figure on multiple occasions. The height of this shadow reached the top of the door frame. The arms are unusual long and it has no face and black hollow holes where eyes would be. The fingers are super long and look more like sticks than fingers. My daughter's woke up with scratches and we have heard a screeching a couple of times coming from this doll.

The doll itself is huge is length, when up close its almost as if it will get up and scratch your face at any point. No one I know will dare to go near it not even in the same room. This showed up on my porch with no return address only a note explaining the demonic clown, I have no idea who sent it to me, I have had similar activity as well as the scratches , please take caution with any of my demonic or negative vessels, anyone that knows me enough knows my vessels are the real deal and they don't play and they are not a joke and should never be provoked, you have been warned, follow me on my YouTube channel Phantoms Follow and also my eBay store so you can get updates on new items and videos and remember to give offerings to keep your spirits active, a welcome bag will come with the vessel