Catholic Church Incense Pontifical Granular Resin Incense, Loose Incense.

Pontifical Granular Resin Incense is a type of incense made from granulated resin that is used in religious ceremonies and rituals, particularly in the Catholic Church. It is made from natural ingredients such as frankincense, myrrh, and other resins, and is burned to produce a fragrant smoke that is believed to have spiritual and symbolic significance. The term "pontifical" refers to the papal, or highest, authority in the Catholic Church.
How to use the Incense:
Using the tongs, place a piece of charcoal in the center of the censer.
Light the charcoal using a lighter or match. Wait for the charcoal to become red-hot and covered with a layer of ash.
Place a pinch of incense on top of the hot charcoal. You may sprinkle it with a spoon or your fingers.
Stand back from the censer and allow the incense to burn. You may need to add more incense as needed.
It is important to follow proper safety precautions when burning incense, such as keeping flammable materials away from the burning incense, and never leaving the incense unattended.