The TTT Escape is a limited edition timepiece made from the king of cools (Steve McQueen) famous 1961 TR6 Triumph Trophy (Jump) motorcycle, featured in the iconic 1963 film, The Great Escape.

The bike is now widely known as the most famous Triumph motorcycle in the world.

You can view the bike at the Triumph museum, however it was restored and is owned by renowned Triumph collector Dick Shepherd.

I purchased this watch from Dick himself! who was presented with the number 001 watch of 939 by REC watches on the launch of this stunning timepiece.

I took a picture of Dick holding the watch on the day I purchased it (see last image)

A typical version of this watch is valued at around £10,000 I am offering number 001 previously owned by Dick Shepherd (the owner of the iconic motorcycle) for £10,500