Past Times WW1 Trench Football Dexterity Game  - high quality solid wood

board is very excellent condition, some saw dust present at bottom of holes, box has scuffs on corners and signs of wear on front and back.

This is a lovely solid wood replica of the famous patriotic WW1 dexterity game made by R.F&S.

This replica has three ball bearings with it, to attempt to get from Kick-Off to Goal without dropping into a hole, in which case you have to start all over again ! 

It's beautifully made but note that it is not glazed, as the original was, but open faced.

Here's a description of the original and the rules which were printed on the reverse, from

"First World War era framed and glazed patriotic dexterity puzzle entitled "Trench Football" which requires the player to manipulate a small metal ball bearing around a recessed playing course, avoiding the strategically placed holes. To win, the ball must reach the printed goal behind the final hole (really a slot) without dropping into it. The lower recessed course is made from orange card; the only printing on it is "Kick off" at the start and a caricature of the Kaiser at the end. The upper playing board is made from thin plywood, onto which is pasted green printed paper featuring caricatures of prominent German military commanders, sited to coincide with with the holes. The entire game is enclosed in a wooden, glazed frame."

The rules state: 'TRENCH FOOTBALL / THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL GAME / (Registration applied for) / By the Markers of the Sensationally Successful War Game' 'THE SILVER BULLET.' / MODE OF ATTACK
You have a feeble opponent in 'Little Willie' at 'Outside Right'. Loot Ball is his speciality and passing the outsider with the contempt he deserves, you negotiate the skulkier Von Tirpitz (notorious for his foul play) on his first ever appearance in the open as 'Centre Forward'.
Having downed (or drowned) him you pass to your 'Outside Left' and although Von Kluck is now used to being 'left outside' he is an honest thruster but is not clever, and in an important match of recent date he lost his nerve and broke down badly when within shooting distance of goal.
Von Bulow at 'Inside Left', talkative and tricky, can be swept aside with an honest rush.
Von Hindenburg at 'Inside Right' has not been played regularly of late, the Grand Duke having badly shaken his confidence. Competent critics are of opinion that he was greatly overrated, and is not likely to re-gain his form or to give trouble on this or any future occasion.
Von der Goltz, stiff and stodgy at 'Right Half' has never been able to think clearly since the Belgian International outwitted him.
Von Moltke, a poor imitation of the Great Von Moltke has greatly subsided since his quarrel with the goal keeper, and it is unlikely that he will in any way retard the attack.
Enver Pasha of doubtful sanity, at 'Left Half' is, on a pinch, more than likely to attack his own colleagues.
Von Sanders at 'Left Back' is a comparatively new man of unproved merit.
Count Zeppelin at 'Right Back' is the gas-bag of our opponents, he has been badly pricked of late, and is far less dangerous than he appears on paper.
'Lord High Everything, Canting Bully Bill' in 'GOAL' you must keep your eye on, he holds the record for mouth, and foul play.
To obtain a goal you must dodge his mouth, it is the chief difficulty. He has proved himself mentally incapable of understanding the rules of the game or the meaning of fair play. Many complaints have been lodged against him, and it is probable that he will in the near future be 'suspended indefinitely.
Vigour and decision is necessary in dealing with him.'