This briefcase is well worn but in excellent condition, attesting to the fact that this type of leather briefcase can be expected to last multiple lifetimes. It has a large expandable interior pocket which can accommodate the separate document satchel. It has a second large zippered compartment & the flap covers a collection of pockets that can be for pens & electronic devices. It is relatively lightweight at about 5 pounds. This is a vintage briefcase & will last for many, many more years.

This satchel briefcase belonged to the previous owner of my house. He passed away with no heirs & I purchased most of his belongings with the house, including this case. I have good reason to believe that this is a well travelled briefcase. Harold, the previous owner (biography; Tendrel available at Amazon) was a prominent scholar of Tibetan Buddhism & spent much of the 1960s in Dharamshala studying & translating Tibetan religious texts. It is quite likely that he used this briefcase at the time & certainly in the years since, after he moved back to the USA but continued to work on translating Tibetan texts. One can only imagine the spiritual wisdom that have been contained within this satchel. While it might take you many years to acquire such wisdom, you can acquire this briefcase much more easily.