Olympus OM Zuiko 70-150mm F4 Zoom old build for parts

The lens is well-used with signs of outer-wear (pics).
s/n is from the first production run of these lenses.
Had dings in the hood and filter threads area.
Focus is a bit loose with some play up front.
Zoom is good.
Glass is good has normal dust for its age.
The diaphragm is snappy, however the stop-down button can stick causing it the stay stooped down.
Pressing down on the the stop-down button again can free it (sometimes few times).
This is not an issue when shooting with an EF->OM adapter as diaphragm will stay in place anyway.
Sample pics taken with this exact lens using that adapter on a Canon 40D.
No exif data of course for lens however probably was at F8.
Plane was at 1/800th bird at 1/1250th.

Because it is old and the above issues it is sold for parts not working and with no returns.

The sale is for the exact lens and caps shown in the pics.
Nothing else is included.

Will ship UPS or Fedex if cost/speed is favorable to USPS.

Sold as-is no returns.