Up for sale are 11 24-exposure rolls of Kodak 35mm color neg film.  Seven of the rolls are boxed with an expiration date of 2003, while the other 4 rolls have an unknown expiration since they're unboxed (though they were found in the same camera bag so my assumption is that they're a similar age).  Obviously since they were in a camera bag at an estate sale, it's safe to assume that they weren't previously stored in a controlled environment like a fridge or freezer.  As you can see from the photos, the boxes are rather dinged up, but both are still sealed on both ends.  Included are the following:

4 rolls Kodak 200
3 rolls Royal Gold 400
3 rolls Max Zoom 800
1 roll Gold 100

Please be sure to fully enlarge the provided photos, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.