
No Use For A Name - Rarities Volume 2: The Originals

Vinyl LP


Label:Fat Wreck
Pressung:US - Original
Sofort lieferbar.

Includes Free Digital Download Code.

Standard Edition Black Vinyl.

When it comes to classic Fat Wreck bands, No Use For A Name needs no introduction. Despite the tragic passing of singer and songwriter Tony Sly in 2012, their presence can still be felt today and their influence is evident in the work of so many other artists! Over their more than 20 year career, they amassed an impressive catalogue of albums all packed with hit songs. From their debut release of 'The Daily Grind' to their final studio album 'The Feel Good Record of the Year' in 2008, No Use For A Name have always been a Fat Wrecks staple. These recently discovered demo and early versions of some of their best songs are a must for any No Use For A Name fan. Includes tracks which have only ever been heard before on compilations and explores never-before demos from their classic album 'Hard Rock Bottom'.


A2.No Way To Live
A3.Justified Black Eye
A4.History Defeats
A5.Stunt Double
A6.Let Me Down
A7.Sara Fisher
A8.Coming Too Close
B1.Any Number Can Play
B2.Dumb Reminders
B3.Friends of the Enemy
B4.International You Day
B5.Nailed Shut
B6.Pre-medicated Murder

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