
Hans Zimmer - The World Of Hans Zimmer

Vinyl 3LP


Label:Sony Classical
Cover:Picture Gatefold
Pressung:EU - Original
Sofort lieferbar.

For "The World of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration" the film composer rearranged some of his greatest pieces, spending months creating elaborate concert suites of his best-known tunes, including "The Dark Knight," "The Da Vinci Code," "The Lion King," "Pirates of the Caribbean" and many more, and turning them into a self-contained symphonic work. 

The World of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration" was finally recorded during the "Hollywood in Vienna" festival at the Konzerthaus Wien, together with the ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna, the choir Neue Wiener Stimmen conducted by Martin Gellner and some renowned artists, for example Valentina Nafornita, Lisa Gerrard and Pedro Eustache. Gavin Greenaway was responsible as musical director.


A1.The Dark Knight Orchestra Suite
A2.King Arthur Orchestra Suite
A3.Mission: Impossible II Orchestra...
A4.Mission: Impossible II Orchestra...
B1.Pearl Harbor Orchestra Suite
B2.Rush Orchestra Suite - Lost But ...
B3.The Lion King Orchestra Suite
C1.The Da Vinci Code Orchestra Suit...
C2.The Da Vinci Code Orchestra Suit...
C3.The Da Vinci Code Orchestra Suit...
C4.The Da Vinci Code Orchestra Suit...
D1.Madagascar Orchestra Suite - Bes...
D2.Spirit Orchestra Suite
D3.Kung Fu Panda Orchestra Suite - ...
D4.The Holiday Orchestra Suite
E1.Hannibal Orchestra Suite - To Ev...
E2.Pirates Of The Caribbean Orchest...
E3.Pirates Of The Caribbean Orchest...
F1.Gladiator Orchestra Suite: Part ...
F2.Gladiator Orchestra Suite: Part ...
F3.Gladiator Orchestra Suite: Part ...
F4.Inception Orchestra Suite - Time

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