Blackbird, Song Thrush, Robin, Wren, Softbill Seed Food Mix

Treat your feathered friends to the delicious Wild Garden Bird Blackbird Food Seed Mix, 
perfect for all bird lovers. 
The main ingredient that other Ground Mixes contain have been avoided in this food for
Blackbirds is Raisins.
The consumption of Grapes and Raisins presents a Potential health threat for Dogs
Their toxicity to dogs can cause dogs to develop acute renal failure which is often fatel
To make this Blackbird Mix Dog Friendly whilst still providing a Fruity Food for Balckbirds 
and other Softbill Birds the raisins have been replaced with dried chopped Apricots 
(which are safe for dogs to eat)
Apricots have been found to be more preferred by Blackbirds than other fruits
Therefore this Seed mix has been made with high-quality ingredients, using;-
Dried Apricots, Suet Pellets, Sunflower Hearts, Pinhead Oarmeal, Cut Wheat, 
Micronised Oats and Peanut Grain 
this mix ensures your birds receive the best nutrition whilst enjoying a tasty meal. 
Whether you're a seasoned bird enthusiast or a beginner, this mix is perfect for you. 
Not only is it suitable for birds, but it is also dog-friendly, making it a versatile option for pet owners. 
Give your birds the best with Wild Garden Bird Blackbird Food Seed Mix.