Product Description

Girafus Pet Tracker

Reliable, lightweight, honest.

The Girafus Tracker consists of a small tracking device worn by the pet and a handheld base unit for tracking.

The tracking works on the hot-cold principle: if you walk in the right direction, the beeps get faster and more LEDs light up, and if you walk in the wrong direction, the opposite happens. Tracking requires some patience in the beginning, but in return you will find your cat even in the most remote basement hole.

Technical data

  • 7-10 days battery life
  • Transmitter weighs only 0.28oz/ 8 grams
  • No subscription, no sim card, no follow-up costs
  • One base unit can track up to 4 transmitter
  • Range up to 1600 feet
  • Locating up to a few centimeters

Long battery life

The Girafus locator has a battery life of up to 10 days. The battery life is adapted to the behavior of the cat, they come and go.

Daily recharging as is necessary with GPS devices is completely impractical.

The charger is included in the delivery.

No subscription, no follow-up costs

There are no follow-up costs due to a subscription. The button cells included in the package are rechargeable.


The tracking device weighs only 0.28oz /8g and is therefore ideally suited for small pets such as cats.

Locates everywhere, no mobile network needed

Our tracker locates everywhere where GPS fails: in the basement, in densely built-up residential areas, in the forest and in the neighbor's garage.

Locates Precisely

With the Girafus Tracker, you can locate your pet to within a few centimeters.

GPS tracking is inaccurate

Try to locate your cat e.g. in a densely built-up area, a gps tracker will show you such a circle as result

No SIM needed

For our product you do not need a sim card and no additional subscription. There are no follow-up costs for you.

Up to 4 Transmitters

You can choose the number of transmitters based on how many cats you have.


Our device has a range of up to 1600 feet. Of course, it depends on the type of terrain

How does the Girafus tracker work?

Der Girafus-Tracker besteht aus einem kleinen Peilsender, den das Haustier trägt, und einem Basisgerät zum Aufspüren.

Die Ortung funktioniert nach dem Warm-Kalt-Prinzip. Wenn Sie Ihr Tier verloren haben, gehen Sie mit dem Basisgerät auf die Suche: Das Gerät zeigt Ihnen durch LED- und Piepsignale die Richtung und Entfernung Ihres Tieres an. Manchmal erfordert das Aufspüren etwas Gedult, dafür werden Sie Ihre Katze aber auch im hintersten Kellerloch wiederfinden.

Battery life and care

To keep everything running smoothly, perform a test locating every week and check the battery level.

Once or twice a month, remove the transmitter's button cells and recharge them. The battery life is up to 30 days.

The charger and the button cells are included in the package!

Attention! Button cells should not be left empty/uncharged for more than 5 days.

Button Cell Battery in the Transmitter

Unscrew the tracking device, charge the button cell, and then continue tracking