The Tiwaz Runeis named for the Norse God Tiw, after whom Tuesday is named. Tiw is the Norse equivalent of Zeus or Jupiter. He was the God of War and Justice, and Success through Sacrifice.With Tiwaz, your Victory is already assured if your Heart remains True. Make use of all the Skill and Wisdom you have acquired so far. Protect your Faith, as it may be challenged. But Truth, Honesty and Justice will Always Win Through. The Time is Now! Step Up and Live Your Personal Destiny!

This is a hand cast Solid Sterling Silver Rune Talisman is approximately 3/4". Included is a Blessed Velvet Charging Pouch as well as a Binding Ritual on parchment paper, perfect for your Book of Shadows!

Do you ever wonder why some people to have it so easy while you continue to struggle? Many of the most successful and famous people today have the help of White Magick to reach the highest of heights! Why Not You? Take Complete Control! This Extraordinary Pendant's Powers are focused and very strong! If you feel faint or overcome by new sensations when it first arrives, you may have to let your body's energy adjust to it gradually. Do not despair! Once you are used to this Powerful Magick, nothing can stop you from Manifesting all you Deserve and Desire in this life! Live the life you always knew you were meant for!