
Jade “is a stone that does not demand from you. But instead, it gives you all the love and courage you need to raise your own vibrations, tap into your dreams, and welcome all the wonderful things that want to come to you,” Boote says.

Boote explains that there are two stones known as jade. They’re called nephrite and jadeite.

“To the untrained eye, these stones are difficult to distinguish. This is usually done by experts using sound frequency, or chiming,” she says.

According to Boote, both stones have the same healing properties.


Jade stone is sometimes referred to as the lucky stone or the happiness stone.

“Both types of jade stone have long been associated with attracting good luck,” says Boote.

A disk with a hole is said to attract heavenly beings, and it’s considered auspicious to place a coin in the mouth of a jade fish or carved frog, Boote adds.


It’s also believed that jade stone has healing properties. Boote says these properties depend on the color of the stone.

“These are predominantly green stones but do present in many other colors, such as lemon and lilac,” Boote says.

Green is associated with bringing tranquility and calm to difficult situations.