Gluten-Free, Guilt-Free Goodness
This gluten-free, low carb flour is the perfect substitute for bleached and highly processed white baking flour. Whether you’re low carb, paleo or somewhere in between, this gluten free flour for baking can be the gluten-free godsend you’ve been looking for. You’ll love our coconut flour for baking keto and paleo-friendly recipes.

Make Deliciously Light & Fluffy Pancakes
Viva Naturals Coconut Flour organic is soft, silky, and sifted into a fine powder that works just as well as traditional white flour, without all the dietary guilt. To use as a wheat flour alternative for keto baking and vegan baking, simply swap out 1 cup of all-purpose flour for ¼ cup of Coconut Flour + 1 egg or egg substitute. It’s an easy way to make your favorite recipes a little lighter and low-carb friendly. Plus, this paleo flour is Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan, Paleo, Keto, Gluten-Free and Kosher, so it’s suitable for many different diets and lifestyles.