You are bidding on one handwritten, signed French letter of the Biochemikers Daniel Berthelot (1865-1927) from 1911.

Addressed to a "mademoiselle" for sending the work"Paris sous le socond empire", about which he also gives a positive assessment.

Related to the work " Paris sous le Second Empire. Les femmes, la mode, la cour. Correspondance (1864-1869) / Anthony B. North-Peat", tradition by Éve Paul Margueritte, Paris, Emile Paul, 1911.

Certainly addressed to the translator, the French writerEve Paul-Margueritte (1885-1971).

Scope:one of four pages described (16.6 x 12.2 cm).

Condition:Paper folded and slightly stained; the blank sheet with missing parts. Please Please also note the pictures at the end of the item description!

At the same time, I offer other French autographs!

About Daniel Berthelot (source: wikipedia):

Daniel Berthelot, born on November 8, 1865 and died on Mars 8, 1927, is a specialist in biology, medicine and physics. He is a professor and researcher at the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Medicine and IMI.

Biography: Fils de Marcellin and Sophie Berthelot, the brother of the diplomat Philippe Berthelot, the political man André Berthelot and the philosopher René Berthelot.


Quelque's publications

«Researches on the electrical conductivities of organic acids and salts», 1891

“Etude on the neutralization of acids and bases according to the method of electrical conductivity,” 1891

«De l'allotropie des corps simples», 1894

« Les rayons ultra-violets et leurs practical applications », 1911

« La Poudre B et les poudres balistiques modernes sans fumée », 1912

«Les biological mechanisms and electrical phenomena», 1913

« The nature of the solar radiations at the level of the sea and the moyens of the mesurers. Report presented at the Conference of the International Association of Thalassothérapie de Cannes », 1914

“Notice sur les travaux scientifiques”, 1917

«La Physique et la metaphysique des théories d'Einstein», 1922

“La science et la vie moderne”, 1924

« Traité d'électricité atmosphérique et tellurique, published according to the direction of E. Mathias », 1924

«The doctrine of relativity and the theories of Einstein», 1925

« Determination of the poids moléculaires », 1938


prize Jecker en 18981

prize Huges en 19061

Related to the work " Paris sous le Second Empire. Les femmes, la mode, la cour. Correspondance (1864-1869) / Anthony B. North-Peat", tradition by Éve Paul Margueritte, Paris, Emile Paul, 1911. Condition:Paper folded and slightly stained; the blank sheet with missing parts. Please Please also note the pictures at the end of the item description! Daniel Berthelot, born on November 8, 1865 and died on Mars 8, 1927, is a specialist in biology, medicine and physics. He is a professor and researcher at the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Medicine and IMI. Biography: Fils de Marcellin and Sophie Berthelot, the brother of the diplomat Philippe Berthelot, the political man André Berthelot and the philosopher René Berthelot. « The nature of the solar radiations at the level of the sea and th