This is a Fender American Standard loaded control plate built with all genuine parts in new/mint condition.

It has the stock CTS 250K Solid Shaft volume pot, 3-way switch, barrel knobs and switch tip, grounding post and Switchcraft 1/4" output jack and modern wiring but has had a number of the other components upgraded or modified beyond the stock American Standard specs. This includes removal of the no-load tone pot for a normal CTS 250k solid shaft audio tone pot like the volume one, a treble bleed circuit added to the volume pot (1/4w 150k resistor and .001uf cap in parallel), Orange Drop .022uf tone cap and all of the wiring upgraded to vintage cloth push back wire. 

For installation all you'll need to do is solder in the hot wires from the neck and bridge pickup and screw down the ground ring (just make sure to screw to a part of the body that is thick enough where it won't accidentally go through). Mounting screws and grounding post screw included!